chapter 17 - It's a Terrible Life

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From 4.01 "Lazarus Rising", in the warehouse, Catty looked at Castiel. "And why would an Angel rescue me from Hell?"

Castiel spoke slowly as if it would reassure Catty. "Because we have work for you."

From 3.12 "Jus in Bello", in the police station, a Demon grabbed Catty from behind, restraining her. Another ran toward her. Catty kicked the one in front of her in the face, making him fall to the floor, taking her shotgun, ramming it into the one who was restraining her's gut, making him let go, turning to face him, hitting him in the face with the gun repeatedly, making him fall to the floor.

From 4.16 "On the Head of a Pin", in the prison room, Alastair wouldn't stop beating Catty until she was down, covered in blood, holding her by the collar of her shirt, punching her repeatedly. Catty stood weakly, punching Alastair in the face, the stomach, spinning around, elbowing him in the stomach, turning away, backing away.

Sam: (voice over from 4.16 On the Head of a Pin) "She's terrified of Alastair, and he's going to play on that fear. He did something to her downstairs, Ruby. Something worse than just the torture that she told us about."

From 4.16 "On the Head of a Pin", in the motel room, Sam, Dean and Ruby were speaking.

"She might want revenge and she might be able to hurt him, but he's gonna use that fear to destroy her," Sam told her.

Ruby looked at them curiously. "You really have no idea what he really did to her down there, do you?"

"Oh, and you do?" Dean asked skeptically. "What the hell are you talking about?"

From 4.16 "On the Head of a Pin", in the prison room, Alastair pushed Catty on her back to the floor, straddling her to the floor, pinning her wrists to the floor with magic. Catty struggled to no avail, gasping in pain, having trouble breathing. Alastair smirked at the attempt, pushing a strand of her hair out of her face. Catty couldn't look at him, turning her head away, trying to keep her breathing under control.

Ruby: (voice over from 4.16 On the Head of a Pin) "If torturing souls in Hell is possible, don't you think rape would be, too? Every day for more than 30 years, sometimes more than once. It didn't happen to her body. It happened to every part of her on the inside. Which makes it about a million times worse."

From 4.16 "On the Head of a Pin", in Catty's hospital room, Sam and Dean sat Catty's bedside.

Sam looked guilty and concerned. "We know the truth now. Complete truth. And now we know that you've been handling all of this pretty freaking well, considering..." Catty lowered her gaze. "But it's gonna be okay now."

Sam seemed to be trying to convince himself. Catty didn't seem convinced. Dean looked down, not seeming convinced.

From 4.16 "On the Head of a Pin", in Catty's hospital room, Castiel sat at Catty's bedside.

Catty realized what happened. "Ursula's the one that's been killing Angels. He's the one who broke the trap and set Alastair loose. He tried to have me killed."

"Yes," Castiel answered.

From 4.16 "On the Head of a Pin", in the prison room, Uriel drew his Angel Blade, raising it to finish Castiel off. An Angel Sword pierced through Uriel's throat from behind. 

Castiel looked at the new comer in shock. "Ava?"

Octavia pulled the sword out of his neck, letting Uriel fall to the floor, stepping closer to Castiel, standing next to him, turning to watch Uriel.  Uriel screamed, white light flaring from his eyes and mouth. The light exploded out of him, through the building. Castiel rose to his feet. Octavia and Castiel exchanged a look, looking at Uriel's body.  Uriel's wings had been seared into the floor across the Devil's Trap on either side of him.  Octavia looked as if she couldn't believe what she had done, but also feeling no remorse or guilt.

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