chapter 14 - Sex and Violence

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From 4.09 "I Know What You Did Last Summer", in the Impala, Catty looked at Sam and Dean sarcastically. "Thanks for the thumbnail. Real vivid. You two mind filling in with a little detail?"

Sam was just as sarcastic. "Sure, Catty. Let's trade stories. You first. How was Hell? Don't spare the details."

Catty didn't answer.

From 4.01 "Lazarus Rising", in the Impala, Dean looked at Catty. "Catty, you haven't gone up against anything the way you have before."

From 4.01 "Lazarus Rising", in the diner, Catty slammed the Demon waitress repeatedly. The Demons looked at Catty. Catty smirked, backing away toward the exit.

Dean: (voice over from 4.01 Lazarus Rising) "The Demons in the diner, this... whatever the hell it is."

From 4.04 "Metamorphosis", in the Montgomery House, Catty was tied to a chair, looking at Jack Montgomery. "You were turned into something that you weren't not what you thought you were. You're doing things that you never thought you would be able to do. Believe me, I know."

From 4.04 "Metamorphosis", in the closet, Sam and Dean were locked away, confused by Catty's last statement.

From 4.04 "Metamorphosis", in the Impala, Dean took a moment to speak, looking at Catty. "What did you mean by that?"

Catty shook her head. "I was just saying what he needed to hear."

Dean hesitated, unconvinced but letting the lie slide. "Right."

There was flashes of Catty remembering Hell.

Brett: (voice over from 4.05 Monster Movie) "If you remember what happened, then why lie about it?"

Catty: (voice over from 4.05 Monster Movie) "They can't help. Not with this. No one can."

From 4.09 "I Know What You Did Last Summer", in the church, Catty tried to punch Alastair.

Alastair caught her wrist. "Hello, again, Catty." He pushed her against the wall, pinning her to the floor, lying a hand on the side of her head, making her look at him. "Come on, Grasshopper. Don't you recognize me?" He punched her in the face, making her nose and lips bleed. "But we were so close... in Hell."

Catty looked at him in horrified, weak realization. "Alastair." Alastair smirked. Catty tried to push him away to no avail, looking away. "No."

Alastair chuckled, putting a hand on the side of Catty's head, making her look at him. "Yes."

From 4.10 "Heaven and Hell", roadside, as Catty spoke, there were flashes of Catty's memories of her in Hell. "They sliced. Carved. And tore at me in ways that you... And Alastair would make me an offer to take me off the rack if I started the torturing. I lost count of how many souls."

Catty let a few tears fall.

From 4.11 "Family Remains", on the roadside overpass, Catty looked at Sam and Dean. "I enjoyed it. They took me off the rack, and I tortured souls, and I liked it. All those years, all that pain? Finally getting the deal some out yourself? I didn't care who they put in front of me. Because that pain I felt? It just slipped away."

From 4.10 "Heaven and Hell", in Catty's dream, Castiel looked at Catty. "Hell broke you. You didn't believe that you deserved to be saved for a reason. Catty, I know. It wasn't your fault. You should forgive yourself. And I know it was much more than that."

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