chapter 20 - The Rapture

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From 4.01 "Lazarus Rising", in the warehouse, Catty and Dean were waiting. The glass lights shattered, the sparks falling to the floor. Castiel walked in.

Catty was kneeling next to Dean's unconscious body, looking at Castiel. "Who are you?"

"Castiel," Castiel answered.

"I mean, what are you?" Catty asked.

Black shadow feathered wings appeared on the wall behind Castiel before fading.

Castiel: (voice over from 4.01 Lazarus Rising) "I'm an Angel of the Lord."

From 4.01 "Lazarus Rising", in the gas station, a high-pitched ringing was playing loudly, as if something was coming. The sound was enough to cause pain. Catty grabbed her head, covering her ears. The glass windows all over the store shattered. Catty ducked to the floor, ducking for cover behind the counter for safety from the glass.

Castiel: (voice over from 4.01 Lazarus Rising) "My true form? It can be overwhelming to Humans."

From 4.01 "Lazarus Rising", in Sam's hotel room, Catty looked around to see that Sam and Dean weren't here, rolling off of the bed, grabbing a salt shell shotgun, hearing the high-pitched, ear piercing sound, covering her ear. The mirror on the ceiling above the bed shattered. The ringing intensified. Catty dropped the gun, using both hands to cover both ears, groaning in pain, kneeling to the floor. The glass windows shattered from behind her. The glass mirror on the ceiling above Catty's head shattered, the glass pieces falling toward her.

Castiel: (voice over from 4.01 Lazarus Rising) "And so can my real voice. But you already knew that."

From 4.01 "Lazarus Rising", in the warehouse, Castiel looked at Catty. "Certain people, special people, can perceive my true visage."

"What visage are you in now, huh?" Catt asked.

"This?" Castiel asked, looking himself over. "This is..." He looked at Catty. "A vessel."

"You're possessing some poor bastard?" Catty asked.

"He's a devout man," Castiel told her. "He actually prayed for this."

From 4.07 "It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester", in the motel room, Octavia used Angelic power to blow a wind through the room, the wind tossling around her and Catty's hair, until she found what she was looking for, using magic to pull a Hex Bag from its hiding place into her hand, holding it up for them to see.

Octavia: (voice over from 4.07 It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester) "I'm Octavia."

Uriel turned to face them.

"That is Uriel," Octavia told them.

From 4.16 "On the Head of a Pin", in the prison room, Uriel drew his Angel Blade, raising it to finish Castiel off. An Angel Sword pierced through Uriel's throat from behind. Castiel looked at Ava in shock.

Castiel: (voice over from 4.18 The Monster at the End of This Book) "Octavia has to face punishment for killing Uriel."

Octavia pulled the sword out of his neck, letting Uriel fall to the floor, stepping closer to Castiel, standing next to him, turning to watch Uriel. Uriel screamed, white light flaring from his eyes and mouth. The light exploded out of him, through the entire building. Castiel rose to his feet. Octavia and Castiel exchanged a look, looking at Uriel's body. Octavia looked as if she couldn't believe what she had done, but also feeling no remorse or guilt.

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