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"This sucks!" Jisu complained as she sprawled out on Bitna's double bed, whining whilst clutching a bright green jumper. "Why do I always end up single when the traffic light parties come around." She sulked.

Bitna looked at her through the mirror she stared into, admiring the oversized green football jersey and the baggy black jeans she wore. "Being single isn't a bad thing, neither is the colour green." She chuckled, fixing her fringe and turning around to present her outfit to the younger girl.

Jisu sat up properly and stuck up her thumb with a small smile. "You're just saying that because green actually suits you, it makes me look like a sprout." She complained, throwing herself back down on the bed.

Bitna shook her head in disbelief and pulled her friend up into a sitting position. "Green doesn't make you look like a sprout." She reassured, "just, embrace the colour as an invitation for guys to approach you."

Jisu slowly nodded her head and stood up, "hey, is your sister going to the party?" She wondered, suddenly perking up at the image of speaking to lots of green colour wearing guys at the party.

Bitna nodded and began to tie her shoe laces, "yeah, but she's going with her friends." She replied, earning a nod and hum from Jisu in response. "I didn't want her to go to one of these traffic light parties though, I'm only going because you forced me to."

Traffic light parties in Bitna's eyes was some stupid idea made by a single male, desperate for female attention. To attend one of these silly parties you needed to wear an item of a certain colour to show off your relationship status: green meaning your single, orange/yellow showing that it's complicated between you two, and red, telling people you're taken and off limits to anyone other than your partner.

This party was different from any of the others - in Bitna's eyes anyway. This was the first light party that she went to that she was left torn between two colours, green, and orange. Were things complicated enough between her and Sunghoon to wear Orange? Was Sunghoon even going to wear Orange? Or was he going to wear red!

"Hey, why is this shirt out?" Jisu wondered, turning around to face Bitna while holding up an orange crop top - Bitna's eyes immediately widening at the sight.

She couldn't tell Jisu she was confused if things were complicated or not between Park Sunghoon - the guy she was supposed to hate and the guy who Jisu had a thing for. As much as it pained Bitna to carry out the secret and lie, she knew it had to be done - though, she told herself that one day she'd come clean and confess to Jisu about the things that happened with her and Sunghoon, she'd tell her everything, starting from the night in the hot tub during the annual ski trip.

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