Chapter 7: NONE

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Ellie's POV

Sam gracefully falls to the ground upon running at full speed. A burst of laughter erupts around him. I go to help him get up but we both laugh at him. He was never dexterous. He always fell in weird ways. And as much as I always wanted to laugh at him, we always were in public and people laughed so I didn't want him to feel worse.

"That was embarrassing," He mutters, holding out his hands so I can help him get up. I nod at him, smiling slightly. "Please tell me I looked super hot falling."

"Do you like being lied to?" I question him, laughing. He nods with the biggest smile on his face. "Then yes, you looked very hot."

And for that, he takes my hand and kisses it which takes me by surprise.

"Don't worry honey, I'm still gay." He states, shoving me slightly away from him.

It was still early in the morning. Class doesn't start for another thirty minutes so we decide to go grab coffee. The cafeteria is usually deserted in the morning. Everybody just skip their first class. But Sam and I, even though we're far from being early birds, always wake up early to benefit from the few minutes where there isn't anybody on campus.

Marlene, the cafeteria lady, was in one of these moods, today. She likes us a lot. Mostly Sam. He's always charming with her. He rarely has to pay for coffee. I, on the other hand, wasn't charming enough, apparently. He did have to pay, this time, which he couldn't believe.

As we grab our coffees, we sit at one of the tables outside since it's not that cold, yet. I take out my pack of cigarettes and lighter. Sam reaches out and takes out a cigarette and holds out one to me. It's allowed to smoke in the area we were in. But people still eyed us, every time we did. 

Sam proceeds to tell me about his few adventures. I missed a lot, this week-end. Apparently, he met some guy at a party, who happens to be an ex of one of Sam's exes. And a rumor, that turned out to be not much of a rumor as it's the truth, started circulating about the two of them. 
And finally, he got a date with a man that's almost thirty. Mind you, he's twenty-two.

But I can't be the one to talk...

"Can I bum you one?" I hear somebody say, behind us. As we both turn around, we see Lena or more like Professor Beaumont, in this context, looking down on us. She was wearing a dark blue sweater, with a white t-shirt underneath and jeans. Her hair was put up in a bun. Her expression was stoic. "Ah! Ms Halt and Mr....?"

"Cameron... Mr. Cameron." Sam answers. Of course, she didn't know his last name. He only attended once or twice. "Professor Beaumont, do you actually smoke?"

She shooes him off with her hand, smiling the slightest bit as I had her the pack and lighter.

"Yes... Mr. Cameron, but that will be our little secret, alright?" She fakes whispering as she lights her cigarette. "I'm going to leave you to it." She adds before turning away and sitting at the farthest table. She doesn't look at me once.

"What did you do?"Sam grabs my arm to get me closer to him, whispering. "Did you guys actually f-"

"What do you mean what did I do?" I ask. "And can you not? Please?"

"Well, something's up your lady's ass..." He motions at her and I look behind at her just in time as she drifts her eyes away from me. 

"I don't know, Sam." I shrug. "She might've had a rough night... or something."

"Yeah, no... It definitely isn't that.. " He whispers, raising one of his eyebrows. "Wait let me try something..."

"What are y-" 

"How was your date was Grace?" He asks, raising his voice, just enough so Lena could hear him but not so loud that it echoes through all campus. 

"What the fuck Sam?" I hit him gently on his arms, hissing through my teeth. He starts laughing. But a sound behind me makes me look back. Lena got up from her seat and threw her barely smoked cigarette on the floor, crushing it with her foot. She doesn't look back at me but I could feel she was stiff or something. 

Right... I asked her out and went out with someone else that same day. But it was only because Grace was very persistent and it was the only way to properly shut her up for good. I don't think Lena would be bothered by it, maybe it's something else. It's not like I couldn't see other people, not that I wanted to but it was just a dumb date.

"Well, didn't you too have a date?" He asks, dismissing the professor that just went inside the building.

"Yes and it wasn't awful. We're better off as friends." I tell him, my eyes still set on Lena walking away.

Yesterday was actually good until I had to meet up with Grace. She was very clingy and tried to hold my hand a bunch of times which I cleverly avoided since I'm not that comfortable with physical touch. I also had other things on my mind when we met up.

That morning with Lena got to me in so many different ways. I didn't know why I was comfortable enough with her to be vulnerable. It wasn't like that with other people. I told Chloe about my parents' accident because I knew her for six months and felt the need to talk about it so that she understands what went on during dinner. She also asks a lot of questions and made it quite impossible to not tell her.
I had to wait a full year to tell Sam even though he was one of the closest people to me. Jack knew about it through my family since our families were very close so I didn't technically tell him anything.
But Lena, I know her for barely three weeks and didn't talk to her that much. Why was I this open with her?

"Is it the professor?" He looks at me weirdly snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Is the professor what?" I ask, laughing at his question, but my eyes set on the stomped cigarette butt on the floor.

"You know what I mean..." He taps on my hands to make me look at him. "I don't blame you, you know... She's really hot."

"We need to get to class., it's almost time." I tell him, knowing very well that it was better to not answer his question because I knew he would be planning some sort of scheme and would go out of his ways to put it in action.

"Exactly... Almost time!" He points out. "Someone's eager to be in the same room as Pr. Beaumont. Is she french by the way?"

"Yes, on her father's side." I answer, getting up.

"That's hot." He comments.


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