Chapter 3: College

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Ellie's POV

Sam ran up to me, this morning. He almost made me fall to the ground as he jumped for me to hug him. He was mad at me for disappearing on him. I don't blame him.
I took the time to explain everything before we headed to class, we had Algebra together.
He was sorry and bla bla bla...  This was why I didn't tell anybody. I hate being pitied.

I didn't even look at what professors we had. But we basically had the same time table. He proceeded to tell me about his year. It was dull. A few rumors were spread around me. People thought I was kidnapped by some mafia or that I ran away with someone. I didn't know people knew me.

Jackie O
Good luck for your first day!
Call me if you need anything!
Also! Check your emails for work, love ya!

I smile at my phone and Sam picks up on it. He shoves me lightly as a few people throw a "good to have you back" at me, while walking through the hall.

"Was that Grace?" He asks. "She told me she saw you at Gino's."
"No, it's not." I scoff, showing him Jack's message on my phone. "And don't worry about Grace, she's not my type."
"I beg to differ..."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"I heard you two, that night. You know?"

I bring my hands to my face, covering them in embarrassment. I felt myself grow hot at his words.
Did everybody at his party hear us ?

"I don't care..."I stutter, walking into the lecture hall. "I was drunk anyway."
"She told me you were with some woman." 
"Nobody keeps their mouth shut, these days!" I sigh in despair. "That was my roommate's sister. There's nothing there."

He stifles a laugh, as he follows me into the classroom. I recognize a few faces. Grace was sitting at the back, talking to a few people. She has a new piercing. She motions to us to come and chat.
As we walk up the few stairs, her eyes don't leave mine. A few other eyes were on me as well making me uncomfortable.

"Hey, you!" She says when I arrive at her level. "How are you doing?"
"Good, you?" She kisses me on my cheek. I just let her because I didn't want to embarrass her in front of everyone there, but as soft as her lips were on my skin, her kiss wasn't welcome.
"Never been better", She winks at me.
Sam stays still, looking at us, a grin on his face. I so want to wipe it off of him. He hugs Grace tightly before turning to me and motioning for me to go find seats at the front since they were none left anywhere else.
"Coffee, later?" Grace calls as we walk away. "Both of you?"
"Sure", Sam answers. I nod trying to smile at her.

We sit down chatting a bit. Mostly about Grace because Sam can't seem to let go of the fact that I like her. I don't. She's nice but she's not my t- 

A loud noise resonates in the classroom, extirpating me from my thoughts. I turn my head to its provenance. It was the door closing brutally. The only sound that could be heard was heals clicking. A woman was making her way to the desk. I couldn't quite get a look at her face since her back was facing me.

She was wearing a black pencil skirt, short enough to tease, but long enough to not dare to sneak a look. A white shirt was tucked in. She looked really fit. Okay, so what, the professor is kind of hot? I would have to take a look at her face. She's turning arou-

Fuck... Is that Le-

"I was going to ask for silence, but I'm clearly seeing you're all behaving," She says, a smirk on her face. "I think you know better than to be making noise. I like that."

She doesn't look at me. I'm grateful for that. I try not to look at her. My eyes wanders down her shirt, she had a few buttons undone. Her necklaces hanging around her neck. The sleeves were rolled up, a few veins are sticking out and is that a tattoo I'm seeing?

Such a tease.

"I'm professor Beaumont." Lena says as she turns away to the board, writing her full name. "I'll be your algebra professor, this semester. Maybe, this year if I like you enough." 

She looks back to face the class. Still smiling, a bit. But she was so intimidating. Even the way she was standing. Both her hands were on the desk in front of her, bending a bit to make herself comfortable.
 She wasn't like this a few days ago. We've texted a bit after our lunch. Just exchanged a few jokes, facts and music playlists... Okay, we did text a whole lot. But it's just because she was really easy and nice to talk to.
Her eyes wander a bit, scanning a few faces on the other side of the classroom.
I never asked what kind of professor she was. I knew she was a maths professor but I guess I thought she was a teacher or something. I never talked about work with her, or college for that matters. I guess I should've.

"I'm expecting excellence." She goes on to say. "I don't care for mediocrity. From the moment, you step foot into my class-"

Our eyes meet ans she interrupts herself. I see a questioning look on her face as I hold my breath unintentionally.

She looks so beautiful. She's your professor now, you asshole.

"As I was saying," She turns away from me and I'm able to breathe again."Mediocrity is not acceptable. You'll need to work hard and put in the effort. Of course I'll be here for each and everyone of you. And since I know this is your last year-"

"What was that?" Sam whispers to me.
"What was what?"
"That look she gave you. What was that?"
"Later. I'll explain later."

Have you been fucking our algebra professor?

This is bad.

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