Chapter 4: T.A

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Ellie's POV

"What did professor Sexy want from you?" Sam jumps up to me as soon as I leave the classroom. He was leaning on a wall down the hall. I never saw a smile so big on his face.
"She just asked me to be her TA." I answer, trying to get away from him.
"And why you of all people?"He asks, taking my arm and crossing it into his. "Oh.. I think I know what's going on..." His grin looks devilish.
"She's my roommate's sister, you idiot!" I laugh, shoving him lightly. "She picked me up with Chloe from the airport and we had dinner with her mom."
"Already meeting the family, are we?"
"Ugh, shut up!" I shove him again, a bit harsher this time.

Sam always wanted to know what was happening in everybody's love lives. He always gets so invested and makes bargains with himself about who's going to sleep with who, and which couple are breaking up soon, or getting back together soon. And he's always almost right. He has a flair for this kind of things. Something I so desperately lack.

As we make our way to our next lecture, he initiates his favorite college-sober game which he plays by himself. He indulges in a game of Smash-Pass-Been there done that. Long title of a never-ending game which surprisingly repeats itself, since we always see the same people over and over.
Grace comes into view. It appears that she was waiting for us?

"Been there, done that." I scoff.

"And I most certainly heard that." Sam whispers as we get closer to her. And I shove him again. This guy feeds on my anger.

"Can you tell your girlfriend to not be rude, next time?" She speaks, angrily.

"Pardon?" I almost choke on my breath.

"You know what I mean." She looks down at her feet. Wait what the fuck does she actually want because I don't like drama. "I don't care that you're fucking our professor... I don't give a fuck for that matters."

"Hum... Liar... Hum" Sam fakes coughing as we both glare at him, before he moves away from us.

"I'm not doing that!" I try to defend myself. I'm not even defending myself. It's the truth. We haven't fucked... We haven't even kissed... And as much as I wanted to...- " She's an acquaintance. My roommate's sister. I didn't know she was going to be our professor."

"What about last week?" She looks at me with a relieved look. "She was all protective and shit!"

God, what have I done? It was just sex! It was one night.

"She misread the situation , thought you were bothering me or something...and we met to plan something for her sister's birthday." I lie. Best and worst thing about me. I'm a fucking good liar. But I don't like to lie.

"Alright. Fair enough..." She almost whispers, looking back up to me and walking closer to me. "She's really pretty though."

"Yeah, sure. I suppose." I smile at her as she moves even closer to me. I cringe internally.

She holds out her hand and moves the back of her fingers along my arm. Her caress sends a chill through my arm. I can see myself going to one of Sam's parties with Grace there, again. Just not now.... Well it's been a while, so fucking sue me.
"Drinks? later?" She leans into my ear, whispering.

She leans up, a smile on a face before leaning down again kissing me on the cheek. It felt wrong.
I hear Sam complain a few steps far from me. I was also complaining internally. How long is a cheek kiss supposed to last? One second? Two seconds maximum? This was about 10 seconds long and she's not even moving. Well she does move, as she steps closer to me and start nibbling on my skin all the way to my jawline and neck. I shut my eyes closed. This is getting out of hand. We were the only ones there. Everybody seemed to go to class and we were late anyways. There was no point of going to class anymore.

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