Chapter 1: Family Dinner

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Ellie's POV

My grandparents drove me to the airport. I insisted on calling an Uber but they wouldn't hear any of it. I was truly grateful for them. 

"Call us when you land, would you honey?" My grandfather asked. I nodded, a few tears were threatening to fall.
"We'll see you for thanksgiving Ellie, okay? We're always going to be here, only a phone call away, alright?" He added. My grandmother simply agrees with him.

"I will, thank you." I answer, before they pull me into a hug and send me off.

The flight wasn't terrible, apart from a couple of kids yelling at each other in the back of the plane, but my headphones shielded me from the horrors of such scenes.
I don't like those little devils.

Chloe has kindly offered to pick me up from the airport which I accepted. God, I fucking hate airports! The noise is unbearable and people seem to be always running around, stressed about missing their flight even though they're early by four hours. And the luggage, for fuck's sake! Do you really need that much of clothes for a two-week vacation in Barbados or whatever. You're going to be half naked on a beach anyway!

I saw Chloe, at the gate, holding out a pink paper with my name written all over it with glitter. And as if that wasn't embarrassing enough for a 21 year-old, she was holding it upside down. She had me cackling at her sight, which I took as a really good sign. 

"I was starting to think you didn't exist, roomie!" She almost screams, while opening her arms for a hug. "I didn't know you were this hot!"

Her hug feels nice. She was sweating a bit but It wasn't anything gross so I didn't mind that much. It's been a while since I've been hugged for any other reason than pity, it really felt nice.

"Nice to meet you too, Chloe." I chuckle.

"Let me help you with your bags." She says, taking my suitcase from my hands. "Do you want to grab coffee, before we go? Lena drove me here, since I don't have a car, yet! And she had to go for a few minutes but she'll be back in fifteen minutes."

"Who's Lena?" I ask, walking behind her towards a small coffee shop next to the entrance.

"She's my sister, silly!" She just answers. "I told you she was coming over with my mom for dinner." 
"Yeah, well that's later, I didn-"
"I just told you I didn't have a car." Chloe says, ordering for the both of us. But I beat her to the counter and pay for the order. To which, she smiles at me with a disapproving eye.

"I'm just going to run to the bathroom, real quick." I tell her, while walking her to our table with our drinks in my hands. She takes them and goes on her phone.

In the bathroom, I look at my reflection in the mirror before turning on the water and splash my face with it. I was feeling a bit dizzy and hot.
Was I ready to go back to my 'normal' life after the past year? I couldn't really believe that but  whatever, I know that it needed to happen sooner or later.
I could've waited a few more days before coming back, but a week before college starts seemed reasonable.

As I was lost in my own head, the bathroom door opens and a woman comes in with her phone against her ear, practically screaming. When she caught me staring, she hung up and proceeded to wash her hands in the sink beside mine, with a smile on her lips as she looked at me through the mirror.
Suddenly, I remembered. I don't know how to talk to women anymore! And this woman, right here, looked so beautiful, and gay?

I mean the rings do kind of betray her.

She had mid-length light brown hair with a few curls, beautiful greenish eyes with hints of brown. She had a bit of makeup and sunglasses sitting on her head. But I couldn't help but stare at her outfit. Her egg shell shirt was tucked into her jean shorts, and unbuttoned showing a black bralette and what seemed to be hundreds of necklaces.

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