Chapter 9: Best-Friend Date

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Lena's POV

"Have you gone soft?" Alex basically screams at me on the phone.
"Please, shut up." I answer angrily, but knowing she wasn't wrong. "I don't think we'll go on that stupid date, anyway... She's my student and I don't even know why I said yes."

"It's because you like her, for god's sake. You've been rambling about her for over an hour."

I check my phone. We've been on call for an hour and fifteen minutes. Well, I called her instantly after entering my apartment. It's been a while since we've talked and even though it was weird to think about her and my sister getting together and spending more time, I missed my best friend.

"I've been rambling about the dilemma I'm facing, not her!"

"Whatever you say. I just think you're looking too much into it."

The delivery guy rings my doorbell and I make my way to my purse then to the door. I couldn't bring myself to make food, tonight as I was exhausted. I regret not calling Ellie in for the week. The work load was immense and her help was most welcome but I had to be idiotic and for what?

"I can lose my job, Alex. So, I think I need to think about it."

"It's not like you don't have-"

"My parents are well-off, not me, Alex."

"Well, I have some news and I don't know if you want to hear it." I hear her say on the other end of the line. 

"If it's about Chloe and you getting together, then yeah, you're right, I don't want to talk about it." I scoff jokingly. Even I, have limits when it comes to Chloe. She's my baby sister, after all and as devilish as a little sister can be, I treasure her immensely.

"That's cute..." Alex says. "It's about know who."

"You're right. I don't want to hear it."

"But it's-."

"End of discussion. I've set my boundaries. I don't want to hear of her crap." 

I try not to scream at the phone but I fail miserably. For a moment, Alex stays silent. I know she didn't mean to make me angry but when it comes to that specific subject, everything becomes provoking, even the slightest hint makes me inapprochable. I know what she was going to tell me. She was going to tell me that she, more specifically, you-know-who was getting married.
I already knew about it. I snooped on her socials last week when I was feeling sorry for myself.

"Well, alright. I'm sorry." Alex mumbles.

"No, it's fine. I'm sorry for yelling." I answer . "I know she's engaged. I just don't want to talk about it, at least for now."

"I won't make you. Do you want me to come over and watch a shitty movie? I know you already ordered pizza."

"Yeah sure, come over."


When Alex makes an entrance, she makes sure you're ready to welcome her. She sends me message when she's at the door but still rings my doorbell a thousand times to piss me off. And when I open the door,  I find her, out of breath, squatting on the door step. Her finger was still pressing repeatedly on the button.

"Did you run up the stairs?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Yup! The elevator made it before me though." She says pushing me out of her way and making it into the apartment. 

I was left picking up the stuff she brought with her. A lot of snacks, enough to keep us alive for months and three wine bottles, red, white and rosé. She knows I hate wine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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