Chapter 2: Thank you

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Lena's POV

We left Chloe's a little while after I followed Ellie to the building's roof. She excused herself to her room, blaming everything on her fatigue since she had to wake up pretty early. But she still helped with the dishes and the cleaning. She was standing close by me, all the time. I think she might've been afraid Alex would try to hit on her or seduce her.
And maybe, it just wasn't that. 

But Alex was already busy bickering with Chloe. Their sexual tension is palpable. Everyone knows they like each other, for a year now, but not one of them dared to make a move.

For fuck's sake, just kiss already.

Alex even asked for my blessing which I never thought she would do. Then again, she did it after we shared two bottles of red wine. She knew Chloe from back when we were still in high school. She's 8 years younger than us. So I understand her hesitation. But she's twenty-one now and they should just go for it and end their sexual frustration because it's suffocating all of us.

I helped mom with the dishes as we went to the car. She had a hard time parting from Chloe. It's been a while since they've seen each other.
Mom went back to Italy after dad left. That was about five years ago. His excuse was that we were old enough to understand and tolerate divorce. But it wasn't just divorce. He just disappeared from our lives. I never really liked him anyway and it's not like he was around that much. He just left.
I was already working and had my own place but Chloe was still at school and living with me. My mom would help us with money and visit way more than now. She missed Milan. She grew up there and her whole family's still there. She moved here for dad and had enough trust in me to let Chloe live with me. She didn't want her to have to move to Italy with her at sixteen.
It was pretty chaotic but we made it work.  We just missed her. A lot.

Alex sat in the back, while I was driving mom back to my house. I felt her gaze settle on me through the rear view mirror. She was feeling guilty. I knew that look very well. This wasn't the first time. She needed to grow up and tell my sister what she wants which is clearly her.
And poor Ellie. She just had to go there and make her uncomfortable. They had quite the chat before we sat down but Ellie never seemed into it.

Fleetwood Mac's Silver Springs was playing on the radio. Mom was humming to it while talking to me. She liked Ellie. She thought she was pretty, which is something we all agreed upon. 
She didn't understand Ellie's reaction to her question but she didn't want to seem nosy and didn't ask Chloe about it, just as I didn't ask Ellie either. I figured she must've had a good reason to do so, she didn't seem like the kind of person to be willingly rude.

Mom went straight down to the guest bedroom. Alex decided to take the couch, once again. I went to my room. 

Ellie was on my mind. 

Is she okay?

What do you mean?

Your roommate dumbass!! 

IDK! She didn't leave her room. Why do you ask?

I decide not to answer and lay down on my bed.
I have to make a quick visit to the university I'm teaching in, tomorrow. College starts in a few days but we have several meetings with big old white bald men.

Great, just great!

My door opens. My cat Vincent comes in and sits at my feet. Alex follows him, closing the door behind her. She looked like shit. 

"Just talk to her, alright?" I tell bluntly. She already knew what I was talking about it and nods.
"That doesn't bother you?" She asks. Her voice, small and heavy. I shake my head.

She moves to take Vincent and place him on her lap. But he doesn't like her that much and jumps off of her hurrying to me. 

"I'm talking about what happened, Lena." She precises. "Do you not mind me asking your sister out  after all that happened?"
"You always were a player." I answer. "You seem to really like her. I don't doubt that. Just don't hurt her or else, I swear to god, I'll fuck you up!"
"Jeez. I don't intend to... unless Ellie wan-"
"Speaking of Ellie, you need to apologize to her."I interrupt her, feeling anger from earlier rise again within me. "You were a dick tonight. She doesn't know you and you go on to touch her like that. She had to take your hand off of her for you to get the hint. What the fuck happened there, huh? That was harassment, Alex!"
"Now, don't go using big words!" She interjects. "She's pretty, alright? I thought Chloe would-"
"That was text-book harassment."I yell at her, standing up. She flinches and gets up herself. "You were awful! You need to explain to her what happened, okay? Maybe, you're not used to being rejected, but Alex, that was harassment, like it or not!!"

She looks at me and she moves backwards to the door. She seemed to try and try to understand what she had done. I just know that wasn't how she usually would act. 

"You're right.."She looks up from the floor. "I fucked up... I don't know what's gotten into me."

She goes on to start a monologue, walking back to the foot of my bed. She always complains the same way. She blames her parents for everything and tell the same stories from her childhood that made her the way she is. 
I get lost, I already know everything about her. She doesn't need to tell me more.

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