Chapter 5: Girls' night

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Ellie's POV

Chloe insisted that we have a girls' night every Saturday. She usually doesn't want to go out. That's reserved for Friday and she plans on dragging me out, every week. I'm not complaining, we don't see each other that much even though we're roommates and weirdly enough, we got very close.

It's been two weeks since the first day of college. I told Chloe about Lena, being my professor and asking me to be her T.A. She started laughing at the awkwardness of the situation. At least, one of us was enjoying it.
Lena had been distant with me, the past few days. We never got to grab coffee . I couldn't just ask her to go out again. Our interactions were restraint. I usually just helped her with the work. Everything went smoothly in class. Not as smoothly in her office. She was cold.

I kept thinking about the first time I've been to her office. She was way nicer. But apart from the small glances that she gives me from time to time and which I catch right before she looks away, it was the way her fingers brushed against mine briefly, unintentionally when explaining what she wants to do with her lessons. She would retract her hand immediately and glance over to see my reaction. I would make myself seem focused on what she was doing but I would knew my face has betrayed me every time she smirked.

We still texted, very often. She was really cryptic... Her texts were pretty short but still engaging. I felt as if she was holding me at a safe distant, but close enough for me not to wander away. Okay, it was more of a leash-type of situation and I wasn't mad about it.

"Do you mind if Alex comes over?" Chloe asks. "I know she was a dick to you and-"
"Yes sure, I don't mind her coming over. And she already apologized for that... You all did!" I laugh. Alex apologized about three times, Chloe did every time Alex was brought up in a conversation.
"I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable." She adds.
"Don't worry about it." I tap her shoulder, making my way to the couch.

"Oh and your professor's coming too!" She shouts from the kitchen, leaning on the island so that I can hear her.

"You mean your sister's coming?" I ask, furrowing my brows.

"Yup!" She goes back to cooking. She's making lasagna. I guess it's for Alex. Lena and I were still talking about them getting together but Alex needed to make the first move, according to her. But they were both head over heels for each other.
Lena would explain that Alex was the one Chloe had an affair with, but things got so chaotic towards the end of Chloe's past relationship that Alex had to take a step back to assess everything. 

I didn't know how to feel about Lena coming over for girls' night. We usually put cheesy or terrible movies and make popcorn, sit on the couch with a bottle of wine and complain about how bad the acting or scenario is. And I don't know if she would fit. I don't see her wasting time to do these sort of activities. I know she's a book worm and all so maybe I just imagine her either working on algebraic equations or having her head in a book. 

I've also been working my ass off with Jack. He sends me work almost everyday and with the T.A position, I can never seem to catch a break. I just need the money and my sister needs it more than I do so I have no choice.

Grace has also been bugging me about going out. She opted out of Algebra because of Lena. I didn't know we could switch options until it was too late. But I didn't mind since I liked the subject. And Lena's really good professor.

Sam has been, on the other hand, very curious about what was going on between our professor and I, which was nothing. But every time our eyes meet in class, he'd be a witness of it and slightly nudge me. He's even been trying to push me to make a move on the said professor. As he's no stranger to that kind of behavior towards professors, he would make unnecessary commentaries every time we pass by her office. He would even insist on walking me there every single time.

Chloe makes her way to the living room. She had two wine glasses, one in each hand. She hands me one. 

"Alex told me about you two, by th way." Chloe mumbles as she sits down next to me, sipping wine.

"Who's you too?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Lena and yourself, you idiot." She shoves me lightly.

"There's no Lena and me." I laugh while she turns around to face me. "There's nothing there."

"Mmh...Liar. " She faces away from me.

"What did Alex talk to you about?" I ask, a bit concerned. There was no Lena and I. There never was and there is no us. I mean, yes I have a small crush on her and we talk everyday. But I'm pretty sure it's not reciprocated and that she has way better things to do that go out with me. She did it once, that's probably why she doesn't want to do it again.

"Just stuff..." She laughs.

"Stuff that concerns me so just spit it out." I groan.

"Just regular stuff, Ellie. I know you've been texting..." She pulls a small blanket over her legs. " And flirting... and asking each other ou-"

She gets interrupted by the door bell. She jumps, threatening to spill her glass. It was Alex who came in first. She held out a flower bouquet to Chloe who couldn't keep herself from squealing before moving up to kiss her. Alex looked surprised but immediately hugged her, leaning more into the kiss.

I got up chuckling at the sight only yo see Lena as she walks through the door, laughing at her sister's reaction.

She looks at me and walks over grinning. She had something in her hands, she quickly hides it behind her back when she gets closer. I look at her weirdly, forcing myself not to smile but she was just too beautiful not to.

"Good evening to my favorite student", she nods at me as she gets even closer.

"Good evening, Lena" I chuckle at her comment but she looks at me frowning.

"I'm not your favorite professor?" She asks, smirking while one of her hands sit on the kitchen's island.

"You most certainly are!" I say as I see Chloe and Alex making their way to the kitchen, holding hands.
That was fast?! I think all Chloe needed was Alex to come over willingly, which is both funny and sweet. They liked each other a lot. I think they even loved each other. Their affair went on for a long time apparently.

They both pass by us to the living room. I hear smooching coming from their direction and I cringe. 

I look over at Lena who had the same reaction as me. Great! Chloe invited her to third-wheel with me. But as she catches me looking at her, we both burst out laughing.

"I got you something," She says, trying to change the subject. 

"What- wh" I ask, almost choking on my own breath.

"It's nothing big. I got you some Turkish coffee. I remember you mentioned that you liked it and since I was busy these past few days, we weren't able to go on that thank-you coffee... Here.." She says as her hand appears from her back, with a medium pack of the coffee. I recognize the brand. Always wanted to try it but was always lazy to order it since it was never available in stores.

She hands it to me and our fingers brush against each other. I feel myself go red and she goes on to retract her hand fast. She smiles and when I go to speak, she interrupts me.

"No thank yous," She smiles a bit wider. "I wan-"

"Well, I really appreciate it, so thank you... Very much... Truly." I interrupt her as well. "I've been looking for it and couldn't find it anywhere. I know the brand."

I lean a bit, moving closer to her and plant a kiss on her cheek. I couldn't exactly hug her and it's become kind of our thing, these cheek kisses. I know it sounds wrong her being my professor but she has this whole thing over me. And she didn't push me away so that's good, I guess.

"We'd have to try it together, though..." I add, blushing even more. "You know to thank you properly. This would literally be a thank you coffee."

"In that case, you're the most welcome." She moves towards me. "You're my favorite student, after al-"

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