chapter 1 breathe

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Air filling lungs. Ragged and shallow.
Like she just got air after breaking the surface of the water. Like air after drowning. Which is exactly what had happened.

Disoriented she slams off the side glass chamber. There was still frost on the side. The chamber opened the cold white air pouring from it.
Brooklyn falls out, arms rapping around her.

She can't see. Everything is white, bright and blurred.

Her senses are on overdrive, everything is warm against her freezing skin, everything touching her hurts. Ears ringing, all she can taste it the melatics of her own blood.

Something warm is placed around her, Brooklyn shivers violently.

She gasps loudly still trying to breath. Someone holds a mask to her face. It's easier now.

"Deep breaths, there you go."

Her eyes readjusting in the light, she zeros in on the man helping her. He's still holding the mask. Jolting backwards the warmth leaves her.

"You- your"

"Your going to die if you don't let me help you."

"You put- y- your"

She can't even speak, the man places the mask back in her face.

"Your hypothermic. Your lungs are struggling. Your temperature is so low you could still be in the ice." The man wasn't kind or polite he was straight to the point, "now I could get up let you die, you could kill me, you'd still die, or you can just let me help you, and we both live. "

When she made no movements or sounds he put the heating blanket back around her, it looked like it was made from tinfoil.

Taking the mask away from her mouth she watches as he walks around hurriedly, moving things, grabbing viles.

"How-" she coughs a little "how long?"she puts the mask back over her mouth.

He says nothing, not until he's back over with a syringe leaning down, taking her arm, finding the vein,
"3 years."

Grief, defeat, anger, sadness, guilt.

They all rose like bile to her throat.

"It's adrenaline. Get your blood pumping, it'll get you warm. You'll feel when it wears off though. And this one, this one's morphine."

He explained everything he pumped into her. It helped her nerves oddly. It's weird how he knew to do that.

Brooklyn took the mask off, able to catch her breath.

"Your hydra."

"I was."

"I don't remember you."

"You wouldn't. But I remember you."

"This never happened before, Ive never came out like that."

The man sighs deeply," before, putting anyone in cryo it's a process. Their prepped. You were shoved in. No preparation for your body. That's why your like this."

"You put me in."

"Your friend put you in, I made sure he didn't kill you."

Theres that anger again.

Brooklyn says nothing, the man says nothing. She watches the drips of water going down the chamber in front of her. It looked like it was crying.

A while passed before she got off the floor. Using the counter to hoist herself up. The man watches out the corner of his eye.

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