chapter 8 steady

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2 days she walked. Brooklyn was surprised she remembered the route. By the time she hit sokovia her lips were blue and her skin ice.

Brooklyn hid in the ruins of the old buildings, getting warm, getting sleep. She had another 2 maybe 3 day walk ahead of her. She needed to get away from the mainland, closer to the water.

Brooklyn preferred walking through the snow than the heat. She preferred being cold rather than warm. It's much easier to get warm when you're cold than to get cold when you're warm. Also in Brooklyn's opinion you die quicker in the heat.

3 days of walking, the cold was less painful. The next thing needed was a plan.

1) get warm

2) walk to the docks

3) find one going to America.

4) get on and hide.

Easy, it's only four things.

The docks were not an easy place to blend in. Most people are paranoid, doing something illegal. Smuggling over their favourite alcohol, drugs. This is the docks in the shitty action movies Peter made her watch.

2 hours of wandering, finally she found a ship heading to America. The American flags gave it away. Very patriotic.

Brooklyn stayed near it. When the crew started pilling in she would too. It was big enough she'd get away and hide easy enough.

Brooklyn decided to walk around for a little, trying not to look suspicious.

A scream echoed in the air, Brooklyn's head snapped towards it. Eyebrows furrowed she walked towards it. Hand near the knife shed took from Simon, Brooklyn peaked her head around the corner.

"Shit" she muttered.

Little girls faces full of fear being loaded into a cargo box. The box held girls of all ages crying.

Brooklyn could either run and make the American ship. Or do something completely stupid.

A little brown haired girl gets thrown in and Brooklyns mind is made.

"I'm so sorry" is all she can think as she runs.

Around the corner, taking Simon's jacket off. Brooklyn fell into where the girls were being moved.

"Get up!" The man seethed, picking Brooklyn up and pushing her towards the box.

They push her in, onto the ground, two more get thrown in before they shut the doors, locking them in darkness.

Some girls were crying. Some just sat, empty. Akilina was one of those. She didn't cry. She just accepted.

Brooklyn felt the box moving.

If they were being loaded onto a boat or a plane she didn't know. This had to have been one of her most stupid plans yet.

Brooklyn unzipped her bag. The sound catching a lot of attention, pulling out spare layers of clothes and putting them on the cold steel floor. Pushing her bag aside, Brooklyn kneels over the pile of clothes.


Brooklyn focused on the heat of her body against the cold surrounding her. Both hands alight. Flame making the steel crate glow orange. Girls gasped moving away from her. Brooklyn lights the clothes on fire. Moving back to where she was sitting.

Brooklyn moved her hand towards her mouth, shushing then telling them to keep it quiet.

"Does anyone have any idea where we are going?" Brooklyn speaks low. Just in case.

Some girls shake their heads.

One looks up "south America I think. I - I heard them say something about it." Her voice was raspy. Hoarse.

Brooklyn nods. She can work with that.

Some of the younger kids moved towards the fire.

Brooklyn wasn't worried about the smoke. More the cold.

Maybe a day later Brooklyn re started the fire. Handing out her a little of her food rashions.

"Who are you?" She'd been asked .

"Nobody important."

"How did you get in here?"

"Why did you come in?"

"I've been here before. I wanted to help."

It takes 8 to 9 days to get a ship from Russia to south America. 8 days. They ran out of food in day 6. The container was warm. No need for fire anymore.

Brooklyn could hear the men shouting outside.

An hour ago Brooklyn had made everyone change places. Youngest to the back.

She stood.

The thing about ships, cargo ships. Is that there are only so many places your allowed to dock unsuspiciously. So more than likely they're in a somewhat public place. Trying to move as fast as possible. Which means anyone makes noise or fuss gets shot.

Usually the people in the cargo would be passed out half dead by now.

The door pulls open, the men are shouting over each other. Brooklyn rushes them, getting the gun if the first. Throwing her knife into the neck of the second.

Another thing about situations like these. Most of the time the people arnt trained with guns. Or combat. Not like Brooklyn.

The gunfire would draw attention. That's what Brooklyn needed. Attention.

One by one using the steel doors as cover, Brooklyn shot precisely, no wasting bullets she didnt know how many people there was. Sniper skills come in handy.

She was steady. Her heart rate, her hands, she knew what she was doing.

20 minitues later she could hear the sirens.

10 minutes more gunfire.

Brooklyn put the gun down. Keeping it close but gone.

"Police!" They identifyed themselves. It moved very quickly.

Brooklyn was very aware of the cameras on her as she walked out of the cargo. Some officers recognised her.

"The world thought you were blipped?"


"Miss Romanoff, a hit on a person presumed dead has alerted"



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