chapter 2 to be seen

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Brooklyn was already sick of the pocking and proding. Though how he explained everything to her helped calm her down.

"I'm testing for any thickness, or infections in your blood," he'd say as he took the vile away.

"I've only ever had two infections."

"You've been frozen for three years, im checking everything."

"How long is this all going to take?"

"How long will you be here for?"


"As long as it takes."

"That's not an answer, I want to go home."

"It all depends on you, and your ability to listen, which being around you for three days I know you don't have any."

Brooklyn looks around the lab. Walking around slowly, she still wasn't very strong.

"You look older."

"What" he half snaps at her.

"You look like it's been longer than three years."

Simons quiet ,"It's been a hard three years."

"Can you at least tell me if the avengers are alive?"

He looked at her, hope in those green eyes, he sighs, "nobody's sure about everyone, some went into hiding, changed profession."


"Tony Starks alive, nobody knows where he lives after he reappeared. Black widows alive-"

Brooklyn cuts him off, "and James Barnes?"

"Nobody's seen him."

"He follows her, they don't seperate like ever."

"Well nobody really sees her either."


"Look kid, the worlds changed. You need to focusing on you so you can get back to it. "


"Listen! For once okay just, stop asking questions."

Usually Brooklyn would bite back, nobody could get away with talking to her like that. But she was tired. A hole settled in her chest like a part of her had been ripped from it. So she took it, sitting back in defeat. Muttering a small 'sorry' . She felt like a little kid being scolded.

The two fought like cats and dogs. Brooklyns fire had sparked back after being frozen for a while. Simon was not thrilled.

14 days after she was 'defrosted' Simon deemed her healthy enough for training to start.

They were in a new room Brooklyn hadn't seen, a semi big empty room. Simon stood in front of her.

"I want to tell me what you can do."

"Fire, water, ive frozen some stuff-"

"No, exactly what you do."

Brooklyn looks at him confused, "I-i don't know."

Simon sighs, walking around a little. "What's the one thing dreykov was always good at teaching. He thought his own daughter-"

"Mimicy, he thought how to copy"

"Exactly, that's what you do."

"I copy?"

"Because of your super soldier serum, your senses are heightened. With a few tweaks, your body was able to detect slight changes in temperature.
So when hydra wanted you to light something on fire, they'd raise the temperature. You take from the heat and turn it physically into heat or fire."

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