chapter 4 lightweight

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"did you know my name- my real name means eagle. "


"Yeah, eagle. But if people know me like that they call me Alina, which means light which is cooler than eagle. I don't know if I looked too russian as a baby and we're like "no she's half American let's get some more in there?" I mean I know I go by Brooklyn now which is literally a place in America, but I look more European. I did grow up in Europe so not surprising. But I don't know. I look like both my parents. Mostly my dad but right now I look like my mom, cause the red hair and I've got her exact eye colour it's creepy."

"Really?" Simon definitely wasn't listening, Brooklyn continues anyways.

"Yeah, though one of my friends Peter. He looks exactly like tony and their not related like I genuinely believed they were father and son at first untill I met the woman that's Peter guardian . She's cool. I think she's a nurse. Or something, someone that helps people anyways. She's got mother energy. She did raise Peter so, not surprised."


"Yeah, I've met a few of the families. Like Sam's nephews. They were young then of it's been three years their probably like 12 now or something. I mean clints daughter. Not going to lie I like kids when their like 1 or 2. 8 year olds I don't know how to talk to. Maybe I just don't know how to talk to people generally."

"No you know how to talk."

"You were listening! Good for you."


"I mean your name litteraly means hearing or listening so."

"My what?"

"Don't ask me why I know that I just do. Yeah your name, Simon. Obviously it's a biblical name so hebrew and greek origins, meaning 'to hear' "

Simon stares at the girl, spinning around in the 'spinny chair' as she called it, spewimg random nonsense.


"Yes really."

"Can you go practice or something?"

"Am I harshing your energy?" She teases still spinning.

"Yes, now practise. Don't burn the place down."

Brooklyn groans, she was feeling yappy. Chatty, for once. Brooklyn drags her feet to a new room, not liking the big room anymore.

Too much space.

Fire, water, ice. That's what she's figured out. Not mastered but understands.

Next two on her list were air and earth. Brooklyn wanted to get the basic elements down before anything else. Ice just came with water. It was easier even.

Seeing as there wasn't much earth in the room her next was air.

Brooklyn groans as she sits in the room. Cold dirty concrete floor beneath her.





It's cold in here

No- air.

Taking a deep breath. Trying to clear her mind.

The air in the place never felt...clean.
It was always damp and heavy.


Clocking the weight of the air around her gave Brooklyn something to focus on.

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