chapter 7 displaced

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Simon sighed, he insisted on check ups. Ever since she started getting temperatures, or exhaustion, he found it imperative in his own words.

Brooklyn found it annoying, and slightly intrusive.

"Your weight is going down. Brooklyn, take this as a warning or a threat even I'll intabate you if I have to."

"It's funny that you think you'd be able to do that. Anyways I'm a teenager. My weight fluctuates."

"It's not fluctuating it's going down. You need to suck up whatever victim complex your playing out and eat."

"How about mind your business."

"I am not your father I'm not going to baby you and give the attention you clearly think you need. I don't care. What I care about is you being alive-"

"What exactly do you think I can do for- no what do you think I'm going to do for you? Enlighten me what is it that you get out of all of this?"

"Just eat okay. Eat."

"You eat" Brooklyn crossed her arms childishly.

Simon sighed, he was getting no where. "Everything else is fine. Blood cells, temperature, everything."

"His suit, while vibraium Ive tweaked it, upgraded," princess shuri explains, shuri was showing Brooklyn the lab, shuri chuckles to herself, " the threads have the ability to absorb kenetic  energy and displace it."

Brooklyn nods,"give back what it gets."

"Exactly," shuri nods "I'll show you" tapping on her beads shuri searches for something swiping through the holograms. Stopping at a video, laughing silently as she plays it.

The video plays, t'challa smiling looking at the suit, he half steps back punching the suit in the chest, hard enough for it to fly across the lab. Shuri gives out "not that hard!" Grumbling insults as she collects it, placing it back where it was. "What- what is all this?" T'challa points of the glowing purple on the chest where he had hit the suit. "Hit it again" t'challa sighs, he punches it again, a purple glow ignites, t'challa is sent flying backwards. Shuri bends over laughing.

Brooklyn laughs as shuri replays t'challa flying across the room.

"What do you recall of kinetic energy. From the book you read," Simon was walking around the room, they were back in the big room Brooklyn didn't like.

"its motion. You apply force to move, force is transferred to the move, the object is in motion. Mass and speed force blah blah blah. Kinetic. "

"The energy of motion. Do you have an idea on how this will work."

"Vaguely. You give what you get"

"You absorb what you get. Think of it like-"

"Displacement," Brooklyn cuts in, having a memory of shuri in her lab. Laughing at her brother.

Simon nods,"exactly. You might find it tricky at first. Training isn't an exact science."

"I might get hurt at first is what your trying to say. Don't worry I have a high pain tolerance."

Simon shakes his head, "this isn't all punching and kicking alright. It's power. It's lifting. It's a building falling on you and using it's own force to keep it from crushing you. It's the hulk decking you in the face and surviving with a few scraps and bruises because you absorbed the force."

Brooklyn lets him rambel, Simon only rambelled when he had a point to make.

"Your thinking immideate you need to think, overthink, all the possibilities and practice. Your not going to be in this basement forever. And you have a job to do-"

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