chapter 5 one or two

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Brooklyn found one of the rooms boarded off. Breaking the barricade she wonders in. Rubble everywhere in the large room. A large whole on the ceiling. You could actually see the light. The sky grey and overcast. It made her feel wonderful.

The room was perfect for what she wanted to do.

The room creaked when the wind blew hard. Brooklyn forgot how cold sokovia was. All year round cold. Summers were cold breezes, winters were harsh snow storms.

Brooklyn didn't know what season it was, summer? Autumn? She didn't know what month it was. She wasn't too sure of the year either.

Time is weird when you can't see it pass.

Brooklyn started climbing the wall. Rubble and ceiling, it was slippy but she had it. Her first time feeling the earth it was hard and frozen. Pulling herself up and out of the basement.
Her eyes strained. How long had she been out of the light?

3 years and a few weeks. As far as she knew.

The air was nice.

So much lighter than inside. While it was cold, it wasnt too bad.

Brooklyn giggled, there was vertually nothing around her. A broken building you couldn't even walk in and woods. Lots and lots of woods.

Brooklyn walked a little, getting away from the concrete. She kneeled in the dirt. It was wet, it was just past the early morning. After the overnight frost melts.

Brooklyn could feel the earth on her hands. The dirt in her nails. Earth had it's own energy. The type of energy to make you feel alive. That makes everything feel alive.

Brooklyn took a deep breath, remembering what she'd learned from the previous elements. They all had their differences. Earth was no different.

Brooklyn attempted to pull the earth up. Nothing moved. Nit a grain of grass. Again. And again. And again.

Where the air was light, the earth was dense. Heavy.

With more effort, the harder she pushed the more the earth pulled.

Brooklyn lifted her hands. Covered in mud. Pushing them down, the earth shifts, bringing her hands back up the earth rises. A small wall of rocks and dirt pushes a tree out partially out of the ground. Brooklyn falls back as the ground shakes.

Air was light.
Earth was heavy.
Water is everywhere.
Fire comes from me.

Brooklyn was always a fast learner, she easily adapted.

She sat down, looking at the small wall. Her breathing heavier.

Brooklyn focuses on the mound. She puts her hands down. She can feel the ground rumbling lightly beneath her hands. She gets to bring the wall back down. It shifts and falls. But doesn't go down.

No matter how hard she tries or focuses. No matter how red her face gets. It doesn't go back.


Brooklyn looks at the damage. The tilting tree and pile of dirt and rocks, struggling her shoulders before standing up.

Head down she made her way back into the basement. Washing her hands, getting the dirt from under her nails. Simon doesn't question her as she walks through the room covered in muck. Brooklyn changes her clothes and crawles into her hospital bed.


"You have a temperature," Simon sighs, leaning back against the table

"What?" Brooklyn leans forward, confused.

"What have you been practicing the last week?" His tone annoys Brooklyn. It's his usual 'im smarter than you and laying this out like your 3 years old' tone.

"Earth and....." Brooklyn breaths out understanding.

"You practiced earth twice, in at the start of the week. The rest has been fire. You've been setting shit on fire."

Brooklyn rolls her eyes, "like three things."

"You've gotten fire move on."

"But why am getting a temperature?"

"Exhaustion, fire, over exertion, lack of food, infection, want me to keep going?"

"You've made your point."

"Have I?"

"No actually continue," Brooklyn places her hands on her hips, smiling sarcasticly, "please."

"Your trying to do too much."

"Can't blame me for wanting to speed up the process a little."

"Exactly, process, it takes time. You've moved faster than I have ever could have expected you to."

Brooklyn clicks her tongue, "well I've gotten quite used to being defrosted."

Simon goes to speak, Brooklyn continues, slowly walking away,"and being kicked into action straight acter said defrost. Happened quite a lot when I was younger. As you know."

"Hey!" Simons tone was angrier, he takes a step forward," I don't rub the past in your face you definitely don't have the right to do it to me."

Brooklyn shrugs, "stop bringing up my eating habits and I'll stop."

"Your eating habits are bordering an eating disorder there's a difference."

"You saying your past wasn't concerning. Or relevant, because I think it's relevant, do you want me to tell you how relevant I think it is?"

"You're just starting fights now. You start fights when you're bored. You used to do that when you were a kid. Get bored, talk back, and something would happen."

"Isn't that what caged animals do?" Brooklyn walked out of the room.

"Do you look caged now!" Simon shouts.

Brooklyn storms around the corner. Flames arruoting from her hands. Brooklyn pauses in suprise. She hadn't meant to do that. Maybe it was the anger. Or maybe it was the temperature.

Her skin had that sickly sweating feeling. She felt hot. Her head burning. Her hands on fire.


Just breathe.

The flames travelled up her arms. Brooklyn always wondered how her clothes never set fire.

Brooklyn looks around the old lab. There wasnt much in here anyways

The flames dropped onto the floor.

Brooklyn tilted her head. Two options.

Let it go or let it out.

Brooklyn takes a step back. Looking at something particularly flamable. Her hand twitched.

Let it go

Let it out

Staring intensely at the cabinet of chemicals, eyes darting, floor, hands, cabinet.


Just breathe.

Heart racing, blood pumping, she felt alive and dieing at the same time.

Let it go.

She thought about the little girl who'd walk around halls similar to the ones outside. If she could do it so can you.

If you could do it then you can do it now.

The little girl is you, you are her. You've been here before.

The little girl was curled up in the corner, fire surrounding her, screaming.


If you ever want out of here you need to learn to let it go.

A/n the way I was sure I realised this
Sorry twas late. I'm finishing off the next chapter so that'll be out real soon!

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