chapter 6 zutara

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"Your a bitch!" Little akilina faced the man, hungry, angry, bored , alone. Well not alone. Not really.

The slap echoed around the room, her face stinging.

"That didn't make you any less of a bitch."

The man grabbed her, dragging the child from the cell.

"You start fights when you're bored," Simon's voice echoes. "You always have even when you were younger."

Brooklyn sits up, groaning, awake. Showering, changing and  walking slowly into the lab.

Does this man sleep?

Simons wanders around the lab, moving bits and bobs around.


"Morning to you too."

"No training today."


"No physical training. Figured if I can't get you to stop training I'll give you something to learn."

Brooklyn takes a spoon full of porridge "is it relevant?"

"Wouldn't make you read if it wasn't. It might be a little hard for you to understand at first but you'll get it."

"So you want me to sit and read all day."

"Yep, we're going to get you on a IV drip, I'm going to give you some nutrients and vitamins and get your temperature down."

Brooklyn gives him a look, but doesn't argue. For once.

Soon she's sitting on a chair in the corner, IV in her arm, book in her hand watching Simon inject things into the iv.

"It helps with your vitamin c deficiency. Which you definitely have."

Brooklyn nods, she assumed that.

Simon sighs throwing a blanket towards her, "the book is about the elements. Sub elements, there compounds everything. That book is about kenetic energy. Which will be your best friend when you learn about it. I have more of you finish these two." Simon walk away, "I have to go into town I'll be back late, the nearest town is 4 hours away. Stay here and read. If you get bored there's something I want you to watch, it's set up you just have to sit at the computer."

"Sir yes sir" Brooklyn salutes him, Simon rolls his eyes as he leaves.

Brooklyn opens the elements book, 370 pages. Brooklyn stands up wheeling the iv with her. Taking both the books and the blanket she sits on the chair at the computer. Looking at the screen she sees a cartoon she doesn't recognise.

'avatar the last air bender'

Brooklyn pressed play and starts reading the book.

When Simon returned several long hours later. Brooklyn had finished book one and now was bet into the show.

"Do you know what shipping is?"


"Yeah it's like when you want two characters to get together so you ship them. Peter told me about it. There's also an OTP and stuff but that's irrelevant. Anyways I ship katara and zuko."

"Your meant to be learning about using the elements the bald one uses them all like you do."

"I'm learning I'm learning. I'm on season 2."

Simon puts his shopping away, tending to his project before tending to his live one. Feeling Brooklyns forehead her temperature had gone way down. She had taken the iv out when it finished.

Simon nods pleased.

"Tomorrow you can watch the rest, and read the second book. I want to push more fluids."

Brooklyn nods. Happy to watch the show all day again.

"Did you actually read the book?" He wouldn't have cared if she didn't.

"Yep. "An element is a substance that consists of atoms" minerals, atoms, evolving. Yeah I read it."

"You'll like the second one better. Remember your intune to energy and shifts in the environment. Water dampens and moves. Fire burns and heats. You mimic what's around you and pull and manifest it physically. Like they do in the show. Katara can only bend if there's water."

"Cool." Brooklyn brings the blanket closer to her.

"And your not listening."

"Yes I am."

"What did I say?"

"And your not listening."


Two more days of rest and reading Brooklyn was ready to start training again. She heals fast. I'm not sure what caused the temperature truly but the use of fire with a mix of  exhaustion aut to do it. Brooklyn understood the material in the books I had her read. The elements, kenetic energy and meditation.

I feel she's ready to train kenetic. Using energies instead of elements. The only element I want to continue to train is the earth.

Earth, kenetic, electric and static are what I'm getting her to focus on. While symotatiously she's learning control.

I fear what would have happened had Brooklyn not been the rebellious character she is and escaped hydra. The power that child holds is more then they could have imaged, or coped with. Seeing as to learn control she has to learn herself.

I would not be surprised if Brooklyn doesn't quickly catch on to these next tasks.

She has yet to learn about the mass extinction. I do not plan on telling her.
I feel for her. But this is more important. She is needed to shape the word once again under a new command.

It's odd how quickly she becomes attached. As I observed her watching a cartoon, she has become very attached to certain characters. Picking up on little details. It reminds me of what dreykov used to do.

Sit down the girls in front of footage of fights, tell the girls to pick it apart and then fight like the footage.

She picks everything apart.

Brooklyn has gone to the surface alone. She didn't run or leave. Which makes me think she believes what's happening here. She explores the building. I hope she's not still looking for the blonde girl. She was never here.

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