-learΠing -

34 3 7

Creeping slowly...
The small steps I took without breathing hoping nobody is home.

I practically tip toed cautiously, creekkkkk.
Are you fucking serious?? Its always that one damn step.

"Naruto?!". Iruka yelled.
Oh no. Damn it.
"Yeah?". I popped my head into the kitchen.
"Where were you? I thought I told you to not cause any problems?". He said angered.
"I didn't cause any problems! I was just out!". I said relaxed.
"With who? Sakura?". Iruka asked.

He sighed before asking, "did you at least eat yet?".
"Um! Yeah..!". I answered nervously. I completely forgot to eat something before leaving. But then a loud growl came from my stomach. "Uhhhh". Oh shit.
Iruka stared at him. "Are you serious? You lied to me again? Ugh, why didn't you eat? You had lunch at least? Right? Please tell me you did". He finished, crossing his arms.
"I did eat lunch...some if it at least!". I said. He looked at me with an upset glare. "I did! I swear!". He sighed. "Come on, I'll make you something".


I finished eating and glanced up at him. He looked back at me with a tired expression. I should say something. No maybe I'll upset him more. Erm, no I need to speak up."Look I'm sorry-". I tried explaining, but he interrupted me. "No more sorry s". What?. "Maybe I'll just have to talk to your school for transportation options. I can't have you going anywhere you please while getting in trouble". I froze. Well this just got worse.

"These school phone calls are getting too frequent. Why do you do this? What's going on that you won't tell me?". I got quiet. I couldn't bring myself to look at him. Why? I never thought of why. I just... Don't know. Maybe I'm retarded? "Is there something wrong with me?". I asked him. He looked at me. "No, nothing's wrong with you". He replied.

"You're lying to me".
I whispered. "You're perfectly fine!". He yelled. I got up, "clearly not, since I can't function like other kids!". I slammed my hand on the table with tears in my eyes. I dashed out the kitchen into my room. I was fuming.

Lying in this bed is quiet.
After arguments, I feel just guilty. Can't sleep knowing I'm biting the hand that feeds me. Why do I do these things? I don't even know. I really appreciate Iruka, and I try so hard to not get into trouble. But I still do.

I don't know anymore. Living is so hard.


"Do you even know your parents?"


"Who is that?"

"Not my problem"



I wake up to Iruka shaking my arm softly. I turn to see him.

"I spoke to the school about yesterday."
I got up slowly since I was half asleep, and sat with my legs cross to him, my blanket in my lap. He was sitting on my desk chair to my bed.
"We are having a conference about your academics, okay?". He said. "About what?". I asked.
"They believe you might be struggling due to learning disabilities". He said.
"What!? I'm not stupid!". I yelled. Well maybe a little bit, but not that much.
"No no no! I didn't mean it like that! I meant, they want to help your learning by testing you". He relaxed me.
"Oh, okay". I sighed.

I looked at the time.
Its time to get ready for school. Damn. And now I have to miss more class for something else.


Everything was a breeze.
The testing went faster than I expected. Different things of shapes and numbers. I don't know what the hell that means for, but at least it's over!

I walked in the hall passing as much time before heading to class. Saying hi to people passing by, stopping at water fountains. Kakashi is an alright teacher. A little boring but he's very chill. He reads a lot, but some of his books are a bit...strange. I eventually made in to class. I walked in and everyone turned back to me. They looked to kakashi, expecting to call me out for being late, but he turned back to teaching, completely ignoring me.

I sat in my seat. The board was fill with nonsense which I'm not going to care for. Its math so who really cares? I tapped my pencil on the desk and looked out the window. I was in the middle row. I looked out and glanced over at a student. It's Sasuke. Quiet as ever. He wrote his notes without a single sound.

What a nerd.
Must be simple if you don't have much friends. I looked at Sakura, who's also staring at him. I looked around and a few other girls were staring at him. Bro, he doesn't even speak. How does everyone like him?? I mean, he's pretty hot, as I heard from other kids. But he's silent.

I turned to kakashi. "Now don't be daydreaming about boys". He said. "WHAT?". I yelled. The entire class bursted into laughter.i was expecting everything but that response. I felt red and looked at Sasuke who looked annoyed at me. Then all of a sudden somebody yelled, "faggot!". And everyone at this point was cackling, as I sat there, quiet. I could felt the cold sweat down my back  "Cut it out guys! ". Sakura yelled with a hint of anger. Thank God for her, she has confidence. Everyone settled down.,but I heard a few snickers and giggles. Eh, whatever, it doesn't bother me; that much.

This time I won't be looking at anybody for the rest of class. Now this is gonna be boring. But I'll stare at my paper and avoid eye contact .Plus everyone is probably going to talk about this, and I'll be called gay till graduation.

..........  ............


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