Chapter 14: Sweet Sixteen

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       Callie and I went straight to her house after school. Callie lived closer to the school but if I really felt the need to walk home I could. After the confidence boost from the morning I felt a little more adrenaline than usual going into my celebration plans... well, Callie's plans.

My mom was relieved to know I had made plans as she evaded feeling guilty for the evening. She was excited to hear my phone worked when I let her know what I was doing after school. 

  "I really don't care what we do," I was just excited not to be alone the rest of the night. 
  "You underestimate me," Callie smiled as we entered her bedroom.

She assured me that it was just her and I having a girls' night. I had always imagined throwing a giant sweet 16 bash but I was thankful to be doing something less stimulating.

"I guess I just didn't think-"

"That I knew you?" Callie jumped on her bed and let out a sigh, "you have been boring these last couple months and I thought what better than a boring night, just me and you."

"Hey!" I stuck out my tongue at her and teased, "I am not boring--  I've just been preoccupied." I closed the door behind me and sat on the bed beside Callie.

"I know... but, you can't mope forever."

Callie laid down on her stomach and reached under her bed. She pulled out a shoe box and popped the lid off revealing a large bottle half filled with clear liquid and a water bottle filled with a dark liquid.

"Is that?" I asked assuming it was alcohol.

Callie violently nodded, 'YES'.

"You rebel," I shook my head as I jokingly disapproved.

"I've been siphoning my parents' liquor cabinets for the last year. It's my present to you, so Happy Birthday!" Callie popped the top off of the clear bottle. She offered me the bottle. The smell of lighter fluid and bad decisions filled my nose and I grimaced.

"I don't know," I hesitantly stared at the bottle.

"Look," Callie put her hand on my shoulder, "you need this. I need this. We are going to drink, get dressed up, do our makeup and have fun." Callie nodded reassuringly and offered the bottle to me once more. I searched her eyes and began nodding with her. To be honest, I didn't need much convincing but at the same time I didn't want to make any stupid decisions... My brain reminded me of my last drunken night at the College...

Callie shrugged, "c'mon, it's your Birthday."

"You're right." I took the bottle from her and took more than just a shot. I shook as I swallowed, trying not to spit back up what I now realized was a bunch of clear liquors mixed together. Did I taste wine or was it vodka?
"Are you trying to kill me? How many different liquors did you put in there?" I coughed and stuck out my tongue in disgust.

"I honestly don't know! I've been taking a little bit of everything everytime they would get a new bottle," Callie grabbed the bottle and took a big gulp. She shook her head in disgust, "I'll go get us some juice to chase with." Callie stood up and left her room.

I looked down at my phone and opened my chat thread with Kalen. He hadn't texted me again since he admitted to thinking about me. I wanted to text him back so bad and tell him that I had thought about him and that I was still angry. I also wanted to make him wait, out of spite of course. Something about knowing he wanted to talk to me was comforting, knowing he might be suffering from my lack of responding was also very comforting.
My eyes caught the bottle of mixed liquor and I decided I needed to get him out of my head.

"Wow, you're really jumping in feet first," Callie came in holding two glasses of cranberry juice just as I took another drink. I reached out for the juice and slammed it back hoping to hide the jet fuel taste but to no avail.

"I'm ready to enjoy myself," I shrugged and could feel my face flush pink from the alcohol.

"Good! Finally!" Callie jumped up and down excitedly with a maniacal grin, "Tonight is going to be fun I promise."


           I was buzzing and my makeup looked incredible. I stared in the mirror and had on thicker eyeliner and darker lipstick than normal - I felt weirdly reborn and like I should be out clubbing. I knew some girls at school had fake ID's but I couldn't imagine actually going to a club. Dancing with Callie in her bedroom was good enough for me.
Callie stood beside me in the mirror, sparkles all over her eyes and pink lip gloss lips popping. We looked like yin and yang. Our music blared as we did final touch ups. I wore a tight black dress that I would never have reached for if it wasn't for the liquid courage Callie kept shoveling into me. We were so giggly as I tried to get Callie to wear two skirts to try and make hers look more puffy like a fairy princess.

"Two is too many, I'll look stupid!" Callie snorted, laughing as she tried to get one skirt off and fell over.

"What do you mean? No one's going to see you-" I giggled trying to help her up, "I mean it's a shame we actually look really hot." I pulled Callie up and we stood holding onto each other for balance in front of the mirror.

"Actually..." Callie grinned and looked at me, "We're going to a party."

"What?" I turned to face her, holding her by the shoulders, "Now?"

Callie looked at her cell phone and answered a text message.

"Yup! Let's go! Avery is waiting for us and my parents are already asleep," Callie picked up our 'party juice' and plopped it in her bag.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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