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"Can I talk to you for a second Norah?" She asks and I nodded, she placed the suitcase beside the bed and closed the door sitting on the bed beside me "are you okay?" She asked, I just looked at her not knowing what to say "I know this might be really straightforward but I just want to know, did your mom do this to you?" She asked referring to the bandaids and cuts on my face "well half of it was done by a girl in school, and I got kicked out so my mom beat me up even worse but it's okay" I said it like it was nothing "honey no it's not okay, look if you want to, you can stay here I can call the police tell them and call a lawyer, we can get you out of this, I can be your legal guardian, you don't have to go back there" she said "I can't miss Johnson my dad is really sick and I have to be there for him, il be okay" I said smiling at her "well if you change your mind please let me know, don't let her do this to you again" she said .

"Are you comfortable in that dress it looks really tight?" She said "not really and this is not my style but like i said my mom has always been like that" I said "don't worry il get you a sweatshirt, and sweatpants, I think my son has some in his closet one second" she said walking out of the room.

She came back with a black sweatshirt and grey sweatpants and handed me them "here you you go, we can go shopping tomorrow after school for clothes your style, I won't force you to wear the clothes you have now" she said "that will be great thank you miss Johnson" I said "oh call me Adriana" she said leaving the room and closing the door.

I took off my dress and changed into the sweatshirt, I was about to grab my sweatpants until someone opened the door "what the fuck ever heard of knocking!" I said closing the door on the boys face, I put on the sweatpants quickly, placed my hair in a braid and opened the door revealing Rigel's  face making me jump "damn am I that scary?" He said "look you already know who I am but I'm here to tell you that if you leave me alone we're good, if you come near me we're not good, so in other words out of my way, you better give me back my sweatshirt after wearing it" he said walking away.

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