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They cleaned the wound and wrapped it up in band aid "all done you just need to recover the blood you lost, so you have to stay here until tomorrow" the nurse said "thank you for helping doctor" I said looking at my leg "no problem I hope you get better, the nurse will be checking on it every hour" he said and both of them left "Adriana and Jason are on their way" (author: Jason is Adriana's husband aka Rigel's dad) Rigel said, nodded and sighed "are you okay?" He said trying to read my facial expressions "not really, it's really personal so I don't feel comfortable talking about it" I said "oh I'm sorry it's okay you don't have to tell me" he said and grabbed his phone.

"Hey we came as quick as possible" Taylor and Milo said coming inside the room "are you okay?" Milo said cupping my face with both of his hands "yeah I'm all better now, it was pretty painful but I don't feel anything now" I said holding Milo's hand "I can't believe this happened to you" Taylor said hugging me "look I'm so sorry Norah I never should've let you go if I knew that this was gonna happen to you I'm so sorry" he said "yeah man that's pretty fucking messed up" Rigel said "Rigel please don't.." I said and he just went back to looking on his phone.

"Also I'm really sorry for what I said before, I didn't know that it offended you I thought you would agree with me" he said "it didn't affect me I just thought it was mean" I said "but I forgive you" I said and he hugged me. Adriana and Jason came inside the room with panicked looks on their faces, Adriana came and immediately hugged me "oh my gosh baby are you okay?" She said "where did you get hurt?" She asked and I pointed at my leg "oh my gosh does it hurt?" "No I have numbing liquid right there so it doesn't hurt, but it's going to hurt pretty soon when it goes away" I said "oh I'm sorry, did you have a phone where you called Rigel?" She asked "no but Taylor called the house phone and Rigel answered" I said.

"Ok well i bought you the clothes you needed" she said "thank you Adriana" I said "also do you know if you're spending the night?" She asked "yes the doctor said I had to stay here because I lost a lot of blood and they need to watch me in case something happens" I said "ok well I'm glad you're okay" she said.


It was now night time and Taylor left, Milo also left and Adriana was coming back on a while but Rigel left to bring me food and clothes .

The door opened revealing Rigel with a back pack and a bag food "I brought you pijamas that mom bought you and I also got you pizza and a smoothie" he said giving me the backpack that had pijamas, underwear and toothbrush and toothpaste "thank you" I said and started to get up, he quickly placed the food on the table and helped me up.

"If you need any help just let me know" he said coldly like always, I changed into pijamas and brushed my teeth, I brushed my hair and went back to bed "here is your food" he said giving me my pizza "thank you... Rigel" I said "no problem" he said and then Adriana came back "hey how are you doing?" She said sitting on the corner of the bed "a lot more better" I said taking a bite of the pizza "I'm glad" she said .

"Rigel can you please stay with Norah just to make sure she's okay?" Adriana asked Rigel "that's the doctor's job I'm not staying in this cold chair the whole night" he said coldly "Rigel please I have to go to work in the morning and she can't stay here all alone, tomorrow you don't have to go to school" she said "mom please don't make me stay here" he said "Rigel please do it for me" she said "fine!.....happy?" He said annoyed "yes thank you love" she said giving him a kiss on the head .

I finished my pizza and Adriana helped me throw the trash away "listen I have work tomorrow morning and I have to go but if you need anything just tell Rigel he's gonna spend the night" she said "okay thank you Adriana" I said giving her a hug "no problem, good night" she said leaving the hospital room "okay I'm tired so I'm going to bed" Rigel said turning the lights off "no leave them on please" I said "how old are you? Six?" He said "no but I'm scared of the dark so please turn it on" I said "but I like it dark!" He said "Rigel please" I said "fine I'm fucking tired of your spoiled ass" he said turning on the lights and covering his face with a pillow.

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