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I woke up feeling pain, a lot of pain, I winced and tried to get up but I couldn't, I looked around and Rigel was still asleep. When I finally got up I accidentally dropped my phone, making a really loud sound waking up Rigel "can you be any more loud" he said in a sleepy voice "I'm sorry I dropped my phone, but I think my leg is not numb anymore and it hurts like shit" I said wincing. "Do you want me to call Adriana, she can get you pain reliever pills" he said standing up "what time is it" I said rubbing my eyes "it's five am Norah" he said "of shit I thought it was a lot more late" I said "shit shit shit" I said sitting back on the bed "do you want me to call the doctor?" He said sitting on the corner of the bed "yes please" I said "hold on let me see" he said lifting my pijamas pants "its bleeding again I'm gonna call the doctor" he said getting up.
A couple minutes later the doctor came in "how are we doing Norah?" He asked "not very good im in a lot of pain right now" I said "let me check that" he said lifting my leg a little bit  "okay I think it's time to re -bandage it because it's bleeding, do you want pain reliever?" He said "yes please" I said and he left to get it.
They re bandaged my leg and we were waiting for the doctor to tells us we could go home "ok so the wound is dry and it's in the process of healing, but you can go home and go to school, before you shower today you can take off your bandage" he said "ok thank you doctor" I said standing up "woah woah wait let me help you" Rigel said getting up and holding me by my waist to help me walk outside "Adriana is waiting outside, she got out of work early and brought you something new to eat since you don't know a lot of foods" he said.
We sat down in the car "hey sweetheart how do you feel" she asked "definitely better, I had a pain reliever pill and the wound is dry so I can take the bandage off today" I said and tried to put on my seatbelt but before I could Rigel grabbed it and buckled it for me "Rigel I'm not a baby I have hands" I said "oh sorry since you're the spoiled princess I thought maybe you would like if I buckled your seatbelt your majesty" he said rolling his eyes "I don't know what I did to you this time I swear" I said "if you only knew how many things you do to me" he mumbled "what?" I asked "Rigel can you be a little more nice with Norah, you guys look like kids fighting" Adriana interrupted us.

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