You held onto my hand suddenly,
I was falling apart, I was weak and dainty.
Somehow you managed to love someone like me,
While I was prospering just hatred and misery.Your weren't like my knight in the shiny armour,
You were like an acid burning my entire demeanor.
I never managed to look in your eyes with any hopes,
Cause I was all blind, my soul hung at the gallows.You never told me I was good or maybe somewhat brave,
You laughed at my lacks, throwing stones at my grave.
You were killing the only life caged in my bones and skin,
Enraging my self worth to reignite and venture to win.When deprived of alliance I held onto you as master,
Apart from pain, you offered me some tears and some plaster.
While running in the darkness, you pulled me to downfall,
You sealed up my mouth, and kept hurting me for loving all.You weren't one of those lights I found in a gloomy valley,
You weren't like any dream of cinderella and her fairy.
You weren't any healer and neither were you caring,
You used to give me a cut and then treat it as your own bearing.You never wiped my tears, you mocked me with your smile,
I used to feel questionable, wondering if I've lost my mind.
Clearing the clouds, I could only ask for your name,
You called me Love, and said, 'I'm the Ego in your frame.'~Agamya Verma