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"All those girls out there are painted up like Easter eggs, but even without makeup, you're the most beautiful girl in the entire paddock."


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The Spanish Grand Prix had arrived. Vica spent her days with George in Monaco, and while he trained on the simulator, went running, and worked out with Alex Albon, she had Zoom meetings and tried to finalize everything regarding her book. The text editing was almost done – Vica would soon receive the final version to review one last time. Once the cover was approved, the book would be sent to print and distributed to all the bookstores with which her publisher had agreements.

She couldn't wait. It had been a long journey. She had worked on this book throughout her time at university, almost taking a year off just to finish writing it. She had numerous calls with Czech Koreanist Nina Špitálníková, who was one of the best in her field and knew an incredible amount about both South and North Korea. Nina had even spent a month studying in North Korea. She helped Vica accurately describe the atmosphere and understand the culture, as Vica had never been to Korea and didn't want to make any mistakes.

Vica also had countless meetings with war experts. She met people who had experienced the Korean War and listened to their stories, which she tried to incorporate into her book. The book didn't just follow the main story of Tommy falling in love with a North Korean woman. Readers could find at least ten stories of other soldiers, who were just as important as Tommy – even more important to the world because Tommy was fictional, but the soldiers' stories were real. The soldiers were given different names, but the stories remained the same.

So many people contributed to the book that Vica still pondered how to write the acknowledgments for the end. She had so many names in her head but knew she couldn't list them all. She had to choose only the most important ones. So, she opted for a different tactic. Instead of thanking each soldier who shared their story at the end, she dedicated the book to them. At the beginning of the book, she included a dedication addressing each of the ten soldiers by their rank, regiment, and platoon, along with the exact dates of their service. These people deserved it, and she wanted to show them that she cared and was grateful for their service.

George stood by her side. During the few days she spent at his place, she must have been a handful. She was constantly on the phone, and when she wasn't talking, she was typing messages. She focused entirely on the book and almost forgot she was actually at George's. She forgot she wasn't home in London. That she wasn't alone. She had a real, living person by her side, who had feelings, and she realized on the way to Spain that she had been neglecting the brunette, giving him attention only in the evenings when they went to bed.

"I don't understand how you could put up with me," Vica mumbled as she sat in the car headed to the track, where the first of three races in the next three weeks would take place.

Vica saw how tired George was after the race and how happy he was to have two weeks to rest, so it seemed cruel that they had three weeks without a break, as soon as one race ended, they had to head to another country. The blonde began to understand why all the drivers did it because she genuinely enjoyed watching Formula races. Still, she admired them because she knew she could never drive one of those machines. She didn't even have a driver's license, so the idea of driving at such speeds didn't appeal to her.

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