Chapter 6

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Some topics were never discussed between Olivier and Adrienne. Like those topics never even existed. One of those topics was the possibility of marriage for Olivier. Of course he knew he could marry like any other person. The question was rather who could he actually marry? Adrienne had always insisted on treating him like he had blue blood like the D'Armoinets. Although they had no title, Gustave was the third son of a viscount and Adrienne was a daughter of a baron. But still, there was this always unspoken truth that Olivier was not one of them. No matter how hard they wished and tried.

"A penny for your thoughts" Adriene interrupted the silent carriage ride.

Olivier looked up from the window "Quoi?"

"A. Penny. For. Your. Thoughts." She looked at him as if this explains everything. "Arthur told me about it once. It gives the conversation partner the opportunity to share their thoughts."

"All right. I was thinking if maybe I could explore the lands of the Alberton's after our arrival."

"I am sure that is possible. I shall stay with the other ladies for refreshments." And then they both looked through the window. Both deeply in their own thoughts.


Olivier decided on a simple walk through the fields. Redwood Park was indeed a beautiful place. The green hills were stretched out before him. He breathed in the fresh country air as he realized that he had missed it. Among the countless trees he noticed a woman reading under a tree. He walked in her direction and he realized it was Florence.

Olivier approached her silently and said loudly "Bonjour". Florence almost threw her book in the air from the surprise. Olivier smiled satisfied.

"What are you doing here?" Florence asked as she stood up and adjusted her skirts. The upper part of the hair was pinned up.

"Enjoying the beautiful country views. You?" Olivier leaned up against the tree.

"Me too. And of course reading my book." It hadn't escaped Olivier's notice that she was hiding the title of her book.

"Where is Lord Future-Husband?" He asked, amused. It was strange talking with her in Englisch after so many hours talking only in French.

"He is not the kind that goes on walks. With me." She looked into the distance. She looked serious. And sad. Olivier bent down and picked a daisy. He holded the tiny flower in her direction.

"For you, if it makes you feel any better," he added. Her eyes softened.

She smiled and crossed her arms. "Only one?" She asked teasingly.

"Very well, I can pick you all the daisies from this meadow if you want." He started to pick the tiny flowers one by one. Florence laughed.

"No! No! That's enough." She giggled, but he was still picking.

"You may continue your reading. I suppose it will take me a bit long!" Olivier started to walk down the meadow.

"I was just joking!" She was still giggling.

"Fine! You have convinced me!" Olivier turned around and looked at her. He had such a sincere smile on his face. Florence could remember the last time she saw someone this peacefully happy. Blast, she couldn't remember when was the last time she truly laughed without the fear of being judged. He got back to her and handed her the small bouquet. "I hope it will make you feel better."

She smelled the flowers. "Can I ask you something?"

"If you are speculating who ate all the scones with raspberries that were in the drawing room, I must confess it was me." He grimaced. "Go ahead. Ask me anything."

"I was wondering" she began, "how do you manage to always be yourself?"

"I- I don't know." He didn't know how to answer this strange question. Should he say Look, in truth I am lying to all of the people. I am an orphan. I can't remember my parents but I am sure they were no Earls or Barons or anything slightly close to this. No, she would never understand.

"What I mean is that you seem so comfortable doing things differently. You don't care what people say or think. It is strange to be authentic in our world."

"Is this a warning?" He raised his eyebrows.

"No." She looked at him. "It is a compliment."


The engagement party was late in the evening. Lord Mackelbury was holding Florence's arm as he made his announcement. He looked so proud. After dinner it was time for the ball. Olivier stood on the side and watched the guests dancing. He knew he should at least talk with someone and not stand like a servant. But he was actually fine. Maybe he would even manage to sneak off to the gardens or somewhere interesting.

Florence, on the other hand, was the whole evening surrendered by distant family members, friends and old acquaintances. Everyone was congratulating on her choice of husband. She just smiled, nodded and occasionally said "Thank you".

After countless conversations, she saw someone in a red gown approaching her. Even from the distance she knew it was Rose Whitewood. She was that kind of person who one could never overlook. Rose always looked gorgeous. Always dressed in some bold colors like crimson, dark violet or emerald green. Rose Whitewood once showed up at a Ball in a black gown with huge white pearls. Everyone said it was scandalous, but in truth she looked absolutely beautiful.

"My dear! You look so lovely today." said her loyal friend. Florence and Rose knew each other since they were eight and since then they were always good friends. Rose was still unmarried and hunting for a husband. But it was only a matter of time since she would catch a duke or a marquess or someone equally rich and charming.

"You don't look bad either." Florence teased. At least with Rose she could be a little bit more herself.

"London will be so dull without you!" Rose said with a sad expression.

"Yes, I know. I will miss London. And you." Henry had already declared that they will move right after their wedding to Birmingham. His grandfather had left for him a beautiful grand House there and besides Henry saw no reason for staying in London. Florence had not taken this fact lightly, but Henry had made it clear that she had no choice in that matter.

"Now, tell me more about Lord Huntly." Florence tried to change the topic.

"Oh yes, I haven't yet told you about our carriage ride, did I?" Rose always got excited when she talked about her suitors. She remembers every detail, as if she had written everything down.

"No, you did not." Florence answered and got ready to listen to a long story. It was rather a welcomed change. She was tired of the evening and she just wanted to disappear.

As Rose told her about Lord Huntly's excellent humor, Florence looked around the ballroom. She noticed Olivier standing on the side. But he was not alone. He was talking with Miss Chatterley. Victoria Chatterly was, just like Florence, this year's debutant. Mrs Chatterly, Miss Victoria's mother, stood next to them. She was probably the one who acquainted the two of them. Olivier was, as always, grinning and probably saying something funny. His hair was elegantly pushed back. It looked good, but Florence decided that she preferred his wild curls.

"... why do I have the feeling that you are not listening to me?" Rose asked and Florence snapped her head back to her.

"No, No. I was listening." She lied. Honestly she had no clue what Rose was talking about.

"It's fine. No need to pretend." Rose waved her hand. They knew each other too well and they were beyond the point of being offended when the other was not listening. Florence tried with one eye to look back at Olivier. He and Miss Chatterly were still talking. Rose looked around and then narrowed her eyes.

"Were you looking at Mr Belmont?"

"What?! No." She quickly added. "I was looking at the flowers in that corner. They look actually quite beautiful. I wonder what they are called. Do you remember?"

"I believe those are Peonies." Rose raised her eyebrows, but she dropped the topic. Rose Whitewood was a smart friend.

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