Chapter 11

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"Lord Huntly had proposed to me," announced Rose out of the blue. She and Florence were at her home, painting various flowers.

Florence looked over the frame of her painting of a bouquet. She was almost finished. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? My congratu-"

"I declined."

Florence almost dropped her brush. "What? Why? Is something not right with him?"

Rose had been talking about that Lord Huntly everyday for the last two weeks. Florence even accompanied the two of them a couple of times. She had even thought to herself that Rose and Lord Huntly were perfectly suited.

"He is a very pleasant gentleman. And very handsome. The only problem is that he is just so boring!"

"But you were so smitten with him!" Florence protested.

"I was a fool," Rose shrugged and dipped her brush in the paint. She continued with a yellow tulip on her canva. "Just as you are now."

"I beg your pardon?"

"You know you are a fool marrying Mackelbury."

Florence blinked. Yesterday Olivier. Now Rose. Was it just a coincidence? Or was it so obvious? She could lie to Olivier, but this was Rose. There is no way Rose would believe her that she loved him.

Florence stood up and closed the door. Just in case someone was talking by and wanted to listen. "You know, it is too late. I already gave my word," she sighed.

"You are not married yet," Rose pointed out. "Plus, there are plenty of young ladies, who are canceling their engagement. It happens all the time."

"And they end up as spinsters."

"Maybe some of them do. But that is only because they want to."

"Somehow I find it rather hard to believe. You know I always wanted a family on my own. I don't want to live with my parents until they die."

"But you wouldn't! There will be some drama, but people will forget before the next season is around."

"Do you think so?"

"Just talk to your father. Tell him the truth." Maybe Rose was right. Maybe she could explain this all. Her father wouldn't be content, but he would eventually understand. He loved her after all, so why wouldn't he want his daughter to be happy?


"Miss Florence, your parents are calling you to the drawing room," declared the footman.

"Tell them I will be ready for dinner in 10 minutes," Florence responded from behind her desk. She barely noticed the footman's presence as she was literally writing down what she would say tonight to her father. She decided it would be best after dinner and after father had his glass of Porto.

"Ahem," the footman coughed. "I would advise you to go and see your parents immediately."

"Did something happen?" Florence looked perplexed. The butler scratched his head.

"Lord Mackelbury is here." Florence went pale. Oh god. Why was Henry at their house? She stood up and without a word she quickly rushed out of the room. What time was it? Had her parents invited him to dinner? Oh, no.

Lady Alberton was sitting on the sofa with a resentful face. Lord Alberton, on the other hand, looked quite troubled and Henry was standing with his arms crossed. Florence decided to enter the room with confidence no matter how surprised she was to see the three of them with such different emotions across their faces.

"Father, Mother, Lord Mackelbury," Florence bowed.

"Lord Mackelbury wanted to discuss a certain matter," her father began unsure. "With you. With all of us."

Florence only nodded unsure what to expect.

"There are certain rumors that you have a... a friendship with someone," her father spoke every word with measurement.

"You mean Rose? Well, I know we are spending a lot of time lately. But I need-"

"He means your French tutor!" Her mother interrupted with a blazer sharp voice.

"Excuse me?"

"Lady Rutland had told me everything," Henry said accusingly. "How could you do this to me? To besmirch my name like this!" He waved dramatically with his hands. "People will talk! Have you fought about this?"

"I am sure this is a misunderstanding. There is no friendship between me and Mr. Belmont," Florence tried with her most innocent voice. "I assure you that Lady Rutland said it only out of jealousy. Two of her daughters are still unmarried and she is desperately on a hunt for-"

"Florence," her father sighed. "I don't want to take anyone's side. Nonetheless, after talking with Lord Mackelbury we have come to the conclusion that you do not need French lessons any longer."

"I beg your pardon?" They must be joking, right? She has had French lessons since she was four. She loved the language. She loved learning about France. And she recently started to love the French books that she read with Olivier.

"You will be married soon. It is only a matter of days." There will be no weeding, she wanted to say, but she had the feeling it was rather not the right time. Especially not, when Henry was around. She wished this would be the last time she sees him. She looked closer at him. How could she ever think he was handsome? He always had that proud expression. Like he is the most important man in the room. Even now when he stands still his head is tilted slightly up. And always talking about how great he was. God, it already feels better to know that he will be gone and she would never have to listen to him again.

"..., so I hope you understand our decision. Florence, are you listening?"

Florence nodded like a good girl, because she could already feel the freedom. And if they really fought that this little talk tonight would stop her from seeing Olivier, then they were deadly wrong. It was just the beginning.

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