New Pad

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~Katsuki's POV~

"Are you sure you'll be fine, kiddo?" The Old Man asks as we carry in my boxes. I'd recently graduated from college and even had a job interview in a week. Naturally, I didn't want to stay with my parents forever, I liked my fucking space thanks, so I started looking for a place to stay, when I saw this house (an entire house) being sold for an insanely cheap price, I was hella skeptical. I mean, he wasn't even renting it out, just straight up selling it. But when the old geezer said he was selling it for that much because there's ghosts, I nearly laughed my fucking ass of.

I had someone come check the place out and everything was in order, minus the apparent 'ghosts', so I bought the house right then before someone else took it. "Yeah, yeah Old Man, I'll be fine" I said rolling my eyes at his overprotectiveness. Ever since I was a kid he seemed to show more genuine love and kindness for me that the Old Hag ever has, fuck when she saw me a skirt she nearly threw me out. For fucks sakes I was nine.

"Call me if you need anything,  alright anything," he said, cupping my cheeks

"Yeah, yeah," I huffed, squinting as he kissed my cheeks,

"Be safe for me, alright, honey?" He insisted

"Yes, I got it -"

"MASARU! HURRY THE FUCK UP, THE BRAT DOESN'T NEED THAT MUCH HELP!" I rolled my eyes at that while dad sighed in disappointment.

"Just wait until I marry my husband, she's not invited" I grumbled, walking off to look around the house, while dad left.

The house had two floors, upstairs had two bedrooms, a bathroom connected to one lf them, and a stand alone bathroom, while downstairs had a living room, a kitchen, the front porch with a moderately sized front yard, as well as a back porch and I nice sized back yard that I may be able to put a pool in, I mean, its mine now, so I can do with as I please.

I went back inside, the thud of my shoes echoing around the mostly empty house, save for the boxes and my bed that I had moved from the Old Man's house, so I wouldn't have to sleep on the floor. I groan at the mere thought of unpacking everything. Just as I'm reaching for the first box there's a knock at my door, forrowing my brows I walk over, and look through the peephole; and was Shitty hair and the others.

I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door to let them in, "Hey Bakubro! Nice house" Pikachu said letting himself in

"Come on in I guess" I grumble shutting my door as the other three extras followed him in "why are tou extras here?"

"To help you unpack obviously" Pinky said shrugging as she reached for a random box. I rolled my eyes

"PIKACHU! Dont. Touch. That. Box" I growled emphasizing every word. It was an inconspicuous looking box with my name on it and 'fragile' in brackets, unlike the stuff that was actually fragile that just had 'fragile' written in red "I'll handle that box, you fuckers can touch anything else" I said grabbing the box and taking it upstairs to my bedroom, so far it only had my bed, a nightstand and a beanbag, but as time goes on I'll fill it. I set the box beside my bed and went back downstairs.

The extras continued to help me unpack things, it was mostly clothes, shoes, and toiletries. One of them had pots and pans, and another had plates, cups, and silverware (no doubt from the Old Man). One of them had some canned food as well as flour, rice, and other foods. Once we had finished unpacking, it was well after noon.

"Well, bye Bakubro, we'll see you some other time," Shitty Hair said, stretching. I huffed and opened the door.

"Yeah yeah, get out" I said gesturing for them to get the fuck out. Once they had all left, I took a deep breath and exhaled. I went upstairs and took a shower, greatful there was warm water. I dried off and grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top  before sitting on my bed.

I picked up the box from off the nightsta- nightstand? If I remember correctly, I put this thing on the I'm 23, so I'm going to start forgetting things, I hope forgetting where I put the keys is the last to kick in, I don't want to have to start dealing with that shit.

I opened the box to reveal a few plush toys, no I'm not a fucking child...they help with my anger issues. There's just something satisfying about picking one of them up and throwing it across the room listening to the thuds as it hits the wall then the floor. Or sqeezing it until it looks as though its eyes ate about to pop out of its sockets. It'd be satisfying to do that to a human as well, but the Old Man says no...and I love my dad.

I picked up the biggest one which was a plush rabbit and laid back on my bed, staring up at the empty celing. I heard something skitter across the floor making me groan and pick up my feet reminding myself to call pest control to see what the fuck it was, and get rid of it. I hate rats, I hate mice, I hate roaches, I hate lizards, I hate toads and frogs and a lot other things. Let me repeat, I hate these things, not afraid of them. Yes, if a frog tries to fuck around its definitely going to find out when it gets a hard taste of my shoe. And god I hate when they scream, its so annoying and fucking loud for no goddamn reason. Like fuck, shut up!

I sat up and looked at my window seeing a frog shaped shadow. I growled, getting up, stomping over and thumping my fist against the window, hearing it croak before the shadow disappears, and I hear a satisfying distant thud. I draw my curtains and crawl into bed, praying the week goes by quickly so that I can hurry up and get the job. My Old Man will be paying my bills until I get my first paycheck, which shouldn't be too long, and I know he'd never hold such a thing over my head, (unlike the Old Hag),  but still.

I sigh again but decide to just roll over, holding Mr.F to my chest and falling asleep. "Ghost my ass," I mutter as I fall asleep.

Hi lovelies, I'm going to try and nurse myself back to health with this book, and I don't mean physically.

Speaking of which I have a confession to make, I've been scared to say anything because I don't want to lose you all, but I've used AI a bit. Not for all my books, and not in the way you assume, well. Okay, for the last few chapters of H.F-B.O I used it, a lot was happening in my life during the writing of that book and I just didn't know what to do when writing started feeling like a chore instead of something I enjoyed doing. I used quite a lot in Master unfortunately and I hate myself for it, I genuinely feel like I should delete it, also its not like I just as an AI to write me a chapter and just give it to you guys there's still quite a bit of me in it, but still. With this book I want to go back to the time when writing for you felt like something I loved doing not something I felt like I just had to do, and if its not too much, please, don't hold back when it come to doing the simplest thing like commenting, that's how I know you like what I'm doing and that you want the full thing.

Without any sort of engagement I just feel like I'm not givingbyou when you want, its why I involve certain things while writing like when I asked you in S.T.M to vot for if you wanted Deku×Jace, Deku×Jace×Baku or Deku×Baku, its why I asked you at the end of H.F-B.O, and Master what book you wanted to see next, I want to hear from you, I want you to annoy me (you're not actually annoying me I love you all) with notifs about comments of the randomest things. I love responding to you, I love seeing your jokes or just a random comment. It fills me with genuine joy and actually pushes me to want to continue writing.

After writng my first book 'Our Little Maid' I wasn't planning on writing anymore, but you guys made me want to, please, its all I ask, if it's hopefully not too much. Thanks.


P.s sorry for the long rant, just needed to get it off my chest, I felt awful nit telling you, I still feel awful.

❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️ (I'm serious, this isn't just a cutesy little end card, I fucking love you all)

Continue to vote comment and stay safe my lovelies

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