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Clarissa Marquis was on her way to Stars Hollow, she was looking forward to meeting up with her god mother and her favorite person ever. The Gilmore girls.

Clarissa sat on the bus as she had music blaring through her headphones as she wrote down lyrics for a song she was writing.

"Hi." She hears, this made the girl turn and see a boy with brown hair look at her from across the aisle.

"Hi?" She says questioningly as the boy went and sat next to her. "No, go ahead and sit there I don't mind at all." Clarissa says sarcastically as the boy nods.

"Thanks." He says, the girl rolled her eyes and paused her music. "Where are you heading?" He questions.

"How do I now you're not some sort of serial killer who's gonna get off where I do and kill me?" Clarissa questions.

"Why do you say that?" The boy questions, Clarissa shrugging. "Let me think, maybe cause I don't know you? You know that actually sounds like a valid answer." Clarissa says, the boy holding out his hand.

"Well I'm Jess." He says, after a moment the boy's hand was still there. "This is the part where you shake my hand and introduce yourself." Jess continues.

"Clarissa." The girl says as she places her hand in his, the duo shaking. "So, what are you writing?" Jess questions, Clarissa shuts her notebook. "Classified." Clarissa says as she noticed the familiar sights of Stars Hollow, the bus coming to a stop.

"Well this is my-" They both says, Clarissa chuckling in disbelief. "Looks like we'll be seeing more of each other after all Clarissa." Jess says. "That we will Jess." Clarissa says.

When the girl had grabbed her suitcases and two guitar cases, she began her trek to the Gilmore residence.

Clarissa struggled with knocking, but thankfully being able to do so. "Who is it?" Lorelai questions, Clarissa smirking.

"It's your Phantom Lord." Clarissa says, changing her voice. Lorelai rushed to the door with a grin on her face. "Rory is gonna freak!" The woman exclaims as she helps her inside.

Once Clarissa had her stuff on the ground she embraced her god mother in a hug, Lorelai rocking them back and forth.

"How about some coffee?" Lorelai questioned, Clarissa nodding. "You know me so well." The girl says as she leaves the house with Lorelai, walking towards Luke's diner.

"Hey." Lorelai says as she and Clarissa walked into the diner, Luke being startled and spilling some coffee on the table.

"Oh geez." Luke says, Clarissa sending the man an apologetic look. "Sorry." Lorelai says as Luke takes notice of the other presence with them.

"No, I'll just- you want some coffee? Either of you?" Luke questions. "It's okay. I'll just lick it off the table." Lorelai says, but Clarissa nodded eagerly. "Yes, please." She says with a smile.

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