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21 BBY
The Clone Wars

"Is it a bad time to tell you that I was the one who encouraged Master Yoda to give you Ashoka as your padawan?"

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"Is it a bad time to tell you that I was the one who encouraged Master Yoda to give you Ashoka as your padawan?"

Through the constant and persistent sound of flying bullets and Anakin's soaring lightsaber dissecting every single shot heading their way, Odessa was forced to holler. Her stern yet wavering voice almost merged into the background, the only indication that her husband had heard her, being the fact he turned to her in disbelief.

"What!?" Anakin questioned as he trailed his eyes to the brunette who was gripping her pistol sternly in her hands

She shrugged, smiling uneasily as she felt the urge to get almost everything of her chest. The amount of battle droids firing at them was substantial, so much so she was deadly confused how niether of them had been shot yet. Anakin was keeping his body at an angle were his spinning weapon and body covered her frame, but that didn't stop the brunette from aiming her own weapon at the machines as well.

"Oh well you know I-" She paused for a moment, almost as if she was going to regret even admitting it to the Jedi in the first place "I thought it would be a good lesson for you! You always go on about how you want to advance your skills and how you feel as if something was missing in your training, so i thought teaching a youngling would help!"

In all honesty that wasn't completely the truth, she wasn't lying but a significant factor was that she wanted to see how he would act around kids. Anakin wasn't the most patient person, and she feared as the two got older, that in the future when they did become parents, he wouldn't be ready.

"She slows me down!" He argued in disbelief

Odessa raised an eyebrow, taking down three droids whilst her eyes still remained on his blue ones "Without her Anakin you would have never found me in this ship and you know it!"

Anakin didn't answer, not wanting to argue with the brunette nor admire the fact she was most probably correct. His main concern was getting Odessa out of the danger, his aggression only growing further once he began to constantly take out bullets directed at the small female beside him. He sometimes forgot she was trained in physical and weapon training, the skilled and fluent use of her blaster being something would always make him happy. She could protect herself, there was no denying that, but that didn't mean he could always be there to do it first.

"Quick." Anakin pulled her body toward his, as they both found refuge behind a corner of the long and extensive corridors, taking a moment to collect themself whilst the bullets continued to fire past them

She sucked a deep breath "Contact Obi-Won, he should have transmitted something by now."

"Don't worry, Obi-Won can take care of himself." Anakin reminded, making the brunette roll her eyes

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