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Greetings my dear ladies and gentlemen, I’m heartly welcoming you all to my GALLERY OF EMOTIONS and I’m grate full to you all for paying a visit to here considering your quality time and dedication . Uhmm… The name of the library sounds quite strange, isn’t it? 

 Hahaha.. I’m sure by listening to the name of my library, you guys may thinking that do this gallery is a collection of various emotions!.  Nope, if you are thinking like that then you’re wrong. Actually, indeed this place is a collection of infinite emotional stories.

Now, you’ll are my lovely guests and it’s my responsibility to serve and entertain you all. Huh…. This isn’t a playground or a stage to entertain you all physically, Then how should I entertain my guests?

 Well, how about, I tell you one of these stories of my collection? I’ve a fabulous and fascinating story, hope you may like this…

Now let me begin the story….


In India 1963 somewhere in between the Dehradun forest, there was an wild blizzard buried the forest partially with  snow.

                                                       (Scene after the blizzard…) 

A  wolf shows itself at the scene. By looking at chain around it’s neck, it seems to be someone’s pet. The wolf  smells something and run towards the giant rock and starts digging it immediately, it’s seems it found something and started to roar. After few minutes, a man shows himself at the seen and by looking at his appearance, he may living his 40’s wearing a hat, leather coat, woollen pant with gum boots and hanging a rope on his left arm and holding a 4 feet rifle on his right hand. It seems like an hunter, by his entry at the scene! the wolf buckle up and pulling him towards the pit that it dig. By biting the rod of rifle holding in hand, It seems like the wolf was the pet of the strange hunter.

The Hunter startled by looking at the pit dig by the wolf and shouted “Aayan! Is he dead?” and checked the pulse of the person to know is still alive or not by holding his hand. “O My God! He’s still alive, thank god.. But he’s unconscious” to move him to safest place, the man pulled him out of the pit and putted him on the wolf’s back and tied him to avoid falling back to the snow. After an hour, The man took him to his villa and moved Aayan to the bed in front of the hot fire place.

(Coughs.. with opening his eyes slowly)

“Am I dreaming? Huh, Why am I not dead”. Aayan recovers his blurry vision and studies the situation and the place where he is treated and a memory suddenly hits his mind (“Kainaz, I can’t live with you… please, don’t leave me…. Kainaz… Kainaz…”). Aayan suddenly grabs his head and takes the support of the wall to stand. Suddenly, the owner of the house grabs Aayan and asks him “Aayan! Are you okay buddy? Don’t try to stand pal, you’re still weak”.  (Confronts him). Aayan whispers “Uncle…Harshad… uncle…uh!”. Aayan falls asleep. Mr. Harshad lays him on bed, keeping his hand on Aayan’s forehead. It seems that these two are known to each other. Harshad in worried voice “What’s going on? God show mercy”.


Here we back again… I know, I haven’t introduced myself to you all. Well, that might be my bad manners. Hahaha.. I let you guys to find my name, my name is the answer of the following riddle

“I’m quite precious but not enough to have,

I’m both sweet and sorrow,

Once you use me, you can’t have me ever again

What am I?”

Fair, give it shot to find my name. Well, now you may curious about the characters and their past, don’t you? There are lot of questions that should be find out, whether it might be about Aayan, Kainaz and Harshad. Let’s continue the story to find our answers….


                                                                  STORY CONTINUES…..

Aayan recovers his consciousness and slowly pull himself up and sits at the bed and studies the place where he is and whispers in his mind “Oh, This is Uncle Harshad’s villa. I thought, the blizzard is the end of the my life story!”. Suddenly a voice comes from his behind,

Harshad: Seems like god rejected your entrance ticket to heaven.

Aayan: Perhaps you’re right. Uh.. I’m so unlucky that, even the god don’t wants me there.

(Tears in Aayan’s eyes)

Aayan:  The bastard no one needs, All I’ve left in my life is nothing but a suffering, regrets and pain. I’m lost.

Harshad: C’mon buddy, don’t say like that! Everyone on the earth have their own problems to deal with. If one fails to accomplish victory against his problem, it’s not mean that they’re cursed, unlucky or with a bad faith. It’s the bad time that they’re going through which influences them to perform worse things that further remains in our life as a nightmare, so don’t blame your self for what happened.

Aayan:  Bad time uh? I’m aware of my past actions Uncle, I deserve this suffering. I made it for myself.

(Inhales deeply)

 This would’ve never happened, if I never get involved myself in the Railway project. I’d have never met Kainaz… (Bowing his head and looking towards the ground) People makes future plans and memories, when they fell in love. Even I did, but now! They’re the worst nightmares.

 Watching snowfall through window, Aayan says “Even it’s all begun on the snowy day…..”  



             Chapter 1 Ends here

Hello there, How’s the story? It’s fascinating, isn’t it? Did you figure out the answer for the riddle?   Huh…. Well there are so many questions, aren’t they? Here again, I asked another question! Hahaha.. That’s quite funny. Well, If you figure out my name, then you own my precious compliments. However, I’ll revel my name at the end of the story. It’s time to study the past of the story.. So, let’s begin…

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