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The scene at Harshad’s Villa, Harshad tying his pet wolf with the chain at the
stable. He hears that a car arrived at the veranda and he walk to check on the
person. Kainaz ringsthe door bell, Harshad opens the door and let her in. Harshad
notice that she’s at the peak of exhilaration “He’s in no condition to face dramas
so please tell him the truth Mis. Sulthana.” He says.
Aayan standing at the window, watching the snowfall and his face lost the pride
of peace. A voice comes from behind “Aayan!”. He answers it without whirling
around “Good evening, Mis. Sulthana! Is there anything I can do for you?” he said.
Kainaz cried one’s heart out “Forgive me for hurting your feelings and I know I’m
the reason for you’re current condition” she confess with kowtowing to him.
“It’s not about hurting my feelings, when you love someone unconditionally then
you should stay loyal to them. You should share everything no matter how painful
truth it is. What do you think? Am I not aware of your suffering? I accept that I
don’t know that the reason is but I witnessed your suffering that moment you
turned unsympathetic.” He said.
Finally he turns around where Kainaz sprint at him and hugs sprawling her hand,
keeping her head on his chest explaining him the entire circumstance that she’s
bind with. Aayan keeps his hand on her head resisting his tears “So what? We’ll
be good friends and I think we can keep ‘Hi-bye’ talks, don’t we?” he says.
Watching his support to her he cried her heart out “Thanks for everything Aayan!
Thanks from essence of my heart, my love!” they can’t keep resisting their tears
at the moment.
“There’s no one earth can give you this support after the family” A voice of Rafiq
from outside of the room. Rafiq sulthana walks in to the room closure to them
“My bad! I was lost in my delusional thoughts and forgot my true identity since a
long time. Will you forgive your Abbu for making you to forsaken your emotions?”
he asks Kainaz.
Kainaz with the tearful eyes give him a hug. Rafiq pampering her head by his right
hand and looking to Aayan “You did treated her a princess. Now can you assure me that you’ll treat her with all pride more than Queen of England?” A riddled
question to show green signal to their love. “However my girl going to turn Mis.
Sulthana to Mrs. Singhania shortly then I think I’ve to make sure that she’ll treated
as a Queen over there, don’t you think?” he asks Aayan.
Aayan chuckles in blush “Uh.. I assure you she’ll be treated as an angel in my
domain, Sir” he says. Rafiq putting his lift hand on Aayan’s shoulder “I made you
both to walk on rocky road and I’m really embarrassed about that. Yet I don’t want
you to commit the mistake that I did. Aayan!” he says. Aayan [gasps] “I’m grateful
for you sir, you’re handing me your precious jewel and I assure you I won’t let her
pride fall” he says.
“Well! There’s someone who deserves credit for making you both being together
and it’s time to honor them for taking accountability” he said with droping a
curiosity in their mind about the person he’s describing. Kainaz guessing who it
might be? Rafiq says to stop predicting about that person, I’ll take you them to
her “Kainaz you drive him to the Sulthana Mansion” he says.
Aayan stops him “Sir, wait! Let’s go together” he says. Rafiq chuckles “My friend
is waiting for me below, I’ll come with him. You both drive yourself to Sulthana
Mansion” he says. Everyone arrives that veranda, where Time is standing beside
the Rolls Royce silver cloud, 1963 model. Aayan get startled by looking at the car
“Holy crap! Who’re you brother? Did Mr. Sulthana appointed as a new driver to
the car ?” he asks him. Time [chuckles] “You’re not the only rich kid on earth
gentlemen! I own this car” he says. Kainaz horns the car “Aayan get in!”. Aayan
get in the car and thinking in himself “I should buy that model soon”.
They reach Sulthana mansion and both get surprised by looking at the Time
standing at the door of the RR silver cloud. Aayan flounce out of the car and stood
straight to Time’s face “Is this car can fly? I ain’t noticed you overtaking us and
you’re here before us, How? He asks.
“Mr. Sulthana is waiting for you new couples at the living area” he says. Kainaz
drags Aayan with her and they reach the living area. “Now tell us Abbu, What you
were talking about?” she asks. “A guardian angel who dedicated her life to serve,
nourish and took accountability of raising you both sisters. Now you know you’re
answer” he said.
Ammi” she said with heavenly smile on her face. “I’ll bring her personally and
let’s celebrate together and You both stay here” he says and walk in to the Kitchen
Where Ruksar chopping potatos. Suddenly the time get frozen! Rafiq whirls
around see that Time is standing beside him “You’re petrified about how to
confess, aren’t you?”. Time offers him Red roses “These roses might help you
while confession” he says and normalize the timeline.
As time normalizes Ruksar notice that Rafiq is standing on her eye sight “Ji, Do you
want anything?” she asks. Rafiq acts to by fixing his spectacles “Uh.. Begum! Can
you come here please?” she requests her and that surprised her because she
never heard the word ‘please’ from him in such a amiable way. She walks at him
and watching his face having a expression that she never experienced since they
get married “Is everything okay?” she asks.
Rafiq get close to her “Can you be my sacred box where I can deposit my
emotions?” he asks her. She chuckles “Eh.. Sacred box?” she asks. Rafiq pulls her
hand and offers her the roses “Please don’t say no to this, Even if there’s any
terms and conditions! I’ll agree to everything” he said and it cracked smile on her
“Only one request I’ve is let Kainaz free from the cage” she asks him perceiving at
roses. “Motherly instinct is the most beautiful feeling in the world. It’s piece of a
cake” he replied to that in a blink of an eye. She felt astonished by that reply
“Really?” she asked him again. Rafiq chuckles “Begum! I’m for Kainaz that she got
a great human being as her partner and now I don’t have any objections to their
wedding. Now the real subject is about us “Since 25 years you served, cared, loved
us in amiable way with unconditional quality and I don’t even offered you a single
drop of love. I’m grateful for everything you did. Can you forgive this old timer?”
he confess to her.
Her tears of happiness with a beam of satisfaction in her eyes “Uh.. I’m
astonished” she says and guffawing at the moment. “it’s time to sign the terms
and conditions” saying this to her, he takes her the living area where Kainaz sense
astonished by looking at his Abbu holding her Ammi’s hand which she never saw
in the span of 24 years. Ruksar felt the same way by looking at Aayan and Kainaz
standing together on her sight. Rafiq take Kainaz’s hand offers it to Aayan “I’m E
signing this representing acceptance for all terms and conditions of my love” he
says and that creates a melody of happiness sprawling all over the mansion.
Roshni walks in to the gate and notices Time standing at the car parking. “Hello
Mr. what’s your name and why’re you standing here in this chilly weather?” she
asks him. Time with a pleasant smile “I was actually waiting for you Roshni. My
name is ‘Samay’. Everybody is busy inside planning about your Sister and Mr.
Singhania’s wedding” he said.
She pop out “What?” and sprint to living area “What’s going on here?” she asks
where eyes seemed about pop out any minute. Rafiq replies her “Just discussing
that what color of Lehenga suits on your sister at her wedding” he said. Roshni
felt astonished “ really” she screamed in exhilaration and hugs her sister.
They get married in both the tradition of Hindu and Islam. After a year, Kainaz
Singhania gave birth to twins named Ayaz Singhania and Kailash Singhania. So this
is the ‘A TAle Of The Time’.
Time returns to the library and takes the sand timer to his hand, There’s an another
tale of mine. Whenever darkness shows itself on the mortal realm the divine entities
incarnate themselves to terminate them and the same thing has happened 25
years ago. My wife guardian angel of love incarnated herself in mortal realm and
now she can’t remember her true identity because of her mortal nature. Uh… Do
you know who’s she? [chuckles] The incarnated vessel is ‘Roshni’. Now I’m
accountable to give her a glance about her true existence, A this journey is still on.
He reset the sand timer and place it on the table. ‘A new TAle Of The Time’ is
about to initiate now. See you soon.

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