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              Part 2: The Buried Truth
When Time asks him “Want to see her again?” a ray of hope seeded in his heart.
His eyes filled with tears “Can you make it possible? Can you bring her here or do
you know where is she right now?” Rafiq keeps asking his questions. Time signs
him with his eyes to look his behind where Maya standing with tears in her eyes
perceiving his hope for her return. “Forgive me Rafiq, I never aimed that you keep
waiting for me all these years.” She says.
Rafiq steps aside from the table and slowly stands by taking support of the table.
“Mm.. Maya!” due to tears in his eyes, his vision is blurry and slowly he walks at
the place she’s standing. The moment where he waited for his entire life is on his
eye sight. Rafiq hugs maya and cry out in her shoulders for a pile of time. “Where
were you been? Disappearing without a clue and you know how I’m suffering
since the day you left me?” he asks her and letting all that distress to flow from
his heart since 25 years.
“I’m really lost in exhilaration, sorry again” he says. He holds her hands and
sensing the touch after 25 years “You feel like you’re still living your early years
and look at me now, I’m old timer now” he says.
Maya with pleasant smile looking at him “Yeah, You’re a old timer now and little
chubby” she says by guffawing at him. She stops guffawing and perceiving in his
eyes “On that day I was subjected to Delhi for an emergency to offer a farewell to
my Granny and my family decided to settle there and soon after I get married to Manish. I thought of writing letter to you yet I forget your address so I thought of
personally telling you that everything happened. As time passed I became a
mother which is a divine feeling I ever felt in this mortal coil. Manish planned to
settle in Dehradun, while returning we had met with an accident where our life
journey in mortal realm concluded” she said.
Rafiq horrified by realizing that the person he loves is no longer a mortal being. “I
can’t accept that you’re a soul now” his feet collapsed. Maya holds his arms and
accommodates him a chair and knees in front of him “Rafiq! We ended like this
but don’t let this happen with these young souls” she perceives in his eyes “Aayan
is my son. He suffered since his springtime of life! He lost me and Manish before
he can spell us Ma and Pa. Now if you take Kainaz out of his life, My son will suffer
hell alone after loosing his love and you’re the only one who can understand the
pain of loosing our loved one’s. I’m begging you to let these young souls be
together” she plead him with her motherly instinct.
Time takes out a sand timer and place it on the table. “This is the buried truth of
your love and there’s another buried truth that’s necessary to know” he says.
Rafiq looks at Time “What’s that?” he asks.
Time turns around and set the sand timer “The supreme entity! You mortals call
him Paramatma, Allah and God. When he created this universe, he specially
created incarnations like us to take care of this universe and dominatingly the
mortal realm. Well, this world is created by the aim of creating a platform where
humanity and other diversity can perform their Karma to get the honor of their
actions by attaining heaven or hell depending up on the karma they perform. Yet
mortals created their own clans on specific region of this world, however every
mortals know this they’re the creations of the supreme entity and they recognize
him with various names as I mentioned before. After creating multiple clans you
created your own customs, clans, boarders, rules and regulations which’re
necessary to you’ll. But these emotions integrated with humanity have no
boarders like you do have, because emotions are connected to souls not with
clans you made. You mortals are always lives in a false assumption that emotions
also boundaries but they aren’t. When a human experience love, he won’t see
the categorize the person in to clans. He just see his loved one’s as humans irrespective of caste, clan, color and materialistic thoughts. Love is divine emotion
my friend, it happens between humans not between the clans, boundaries and
customs. But when you born to a clan you should serve it with all your dedication
and efforts and you should other clans too. No matter which clan you belong to
whether it may be Islam, Hindu or Christianity, not in million years this fact going
to change that you all are humans. When you fell in love with maya, did you
consider her race, class or anything else? You didn’t because you saw her as a
human not with a materialistic thought. Now tell me you still think that Aayan and
Kainaz’s relationship is inappropriate?” he asks Rafiq.
Rafiq being kowtow to time “Lord Time, I agree with you that we’ll are living in
our self made delusions over million years letting slip that Humanity is our true
identity. I agree with everything that you said, but I’ve a question for you” he says.
Time chuckles “Even though you’re love is pure, why it’s pulled out of your life?
This is the question you want to ask, isn’t it?” he asks him. Rafiq [gasps] “Yeah,
why?” he asks.
“The Question is pointless because you already got your destined one and you
aimed at another which is not yours. You married to Ruksar before this happened
and you spent your quality time by considering Maya as your soulmate. You
married to her 25 years ago, Have you ever thought of fulfilling her desires as
husband in spite ofspending your entire life waiting for Maya? But she did served,
cared and took accountability of you and your kids. In spite of all this! Did you
show a tiny droplet of love considering her urge to stay as your wife. Tell me now
what the cost you’ll pay for her unconditional love that she offered to you
expecting nothing” Time round up him with his Questions.
Rafiq realizing his mistake committing since 25 years by shut one’s eye to his wife
and being in darkness for a more than couple of Decca years. “Ya Allah! I was the
one who’s wrong all this time and hurting everyone being in delusion.
Asthagfirullah! I shouldn’t be forgiven for what I did.” He confess his mistakes.
Time put his hand on Rafiq’s shoulder and acknowledges him “It’s still not late,
you can restore everything that you lost and accept the situation by valuing
Maya’s friendship. You’re the only one who can give a proper conclusion to this
tale”. he says.

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