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Welcome back again! I Hope you all are doing good, now it’s time to continue the story. Yet, previously we discussed about the signs of ETERNAL LOVE specifically about attraction. As per I remember, I said that we are going to discuss about “concern” in our upcoming session, isn’t it? Well! Before that there’s an fascinating concept, yet to be get discussed. I know you all might be curious about this uninvited subject and what is it do with this story? There’re lot of questions, isn’t it? (Chuckles..)  Well! Sometimes, the happening of certain incident which are unpredicted may surprises positively either negatively. In common it is referred as “coincidence”, which effects the mindset of the mortal being. Let’s know about this concept more transparently by continuing the story. Let’s continue….
                                                 The story continues from Sulthana mansion…
The Sulthana mansion which is called as the heritage of the ancient Arabian architecture carried as a legacy by Sulthana family from past 2 centuries. It’s often look like a palace belong to a nawab, it’s beauty may misleads anyone to fall in this misconception. The entrance gate is made up of Arabian ancient iron, meanwhile which is nearly impossible to find such quality material in the current era. After passing the gate, the road towards the direction of the mansion experiences heaven with the beauty of plants and herbs surrounded all over the garden. The mansion’s architecture is based on Arabian architecture, it’s feels like words aren’t enough to describe the beauty of the mansion.
The scene at the Kainaz’s room. Kainaz enters the room with the absent mind, however her sub conscious memory were commanding her physical actions. She took her casual wear clothes beside the wooden dressing room and get changed herself, but she’s still contemplating the moments between Aayan and her. A sudden voice from behind shocks Kainaz, “Boo..!”.  Kainaz freaks out and turns around at the direction of the voice and takes a deep breath by closing her eyes, “Roshni, you startled me!”. Roshni laughs loudly by saying “Hnhn.. It seems like the professional meetings turned into a romantic meeting!” Kainaz replies with a smile…
Kainaz: Yeah, yeah.. why not? Such a beautiful time with a handsome man. Mashallah! You don’t understand behen, that’s felt heaven.
Roshni: Ya Allah, show a little mercy to me.
Kainaz grabs Roshni’s ear and pulls her close to face “Don’t you have anything else to do? Always dreaming about romance huh!” Roshni grabs the hand of Kainaz to get release herself, yet still continues teasing “Ouch, let me go… I was just teasing & I heard that Mr. Aayan Singhania is a smart and intelligent man, why would such a person falls for a girl like you? But still, you’re thinking about him, what do you  say Dhi? Am I wrong?”. (Chuckles) Kainaz release her hand from Roshni’s ears and starts blushing about Roshni’s statements. Suddenly, a voice from outside barges their conversation “Beta Kainaz, bring that idiot down here & your Abbu is calling you both for dinner”. Kainaz replies to the voice in a gentle way “Han Ammi, we’ll be right there in a minute”. Kainaz instructs Roshni “Come let’s go, if Abbu listens to our conversation! Then it will be a worse situation for both of us”. Everyone assembles at the dining hall and seated on their seats, the staff serves the dinner to each member of the family. Kainaz was lost in her thoughts, she was still remembering those conversation between them, but it seemed like she’s staring at the food. Roshni gets closer to Kainaz’s ear and whispers “Di…. Mr. Singhania is not coming here to feed you by his hand, so please had it by yourself”. Kainaz pops out of her dilution and get blushed for a moment by seeing her sister’s face and thinking about the coincidence of the dilution and the statement. Then continues their dinner. Meanwhile, Kainaz’s father Mr. Rafiq Sulthana notices their daughters teasing each other and try involved in the conversation..
Mr. Sulthana: What’s the mater? My two beautiful princesses are having fun in between them! Let me join the conversation too.
Roshni:  Na Abbu jaan, nothing serious! We both are just talking about Unicorn. What you say Dhi?
Mr. Sulthana looks at a Kainaz by keeping exiting look on his face, which startles Kainaz. Kainaz concludes the discussion to avoid misconception by saying “She’s still a kid who dreams about Unicorns at the age of 21, Abbu jaan!” (Kainaz chuckles…)
Mr. Sulthana: (Smiling) Yes Indeed! Then how was your today’s meeting? Did Mr. Singhania accepted our request to join our project?
Kainaz’s thoughts were frozen for a moment by hearing Mr. Singhania. It seems like she lost in her thoughts and remembering the moment when Aayan said “ I’m impressed!”  and “You can call me as Aayan”, the worlds of Aayan were roaming all over her mind. Suddenly she pops out of her dilutions by hearing “Beti Kainaz! What happened? Are you okay?”
Kainaz: Hn Abbu, everything is fine. I was just thinking about today’s meeting and yeah, Aayan accepted our offer and they’re a launching a survey camp starting Wednesday.
Mr. Sulthana: (By keeping a serious look in his face) Hmm.. That’s great news to hear & I trust you Beta, give you best.
Mr. Sulthana finishes his dinner and wash his hand, after a couple of minutes inhales deeply and look towards Kainaz while exhaling and speaks “Kainaz, you should treat everyone with the respect! I’ve agreed to your decision about working professionally, because I do trust you. Calling one’s person by his name doesn’t sounds professional, Never get attached to the characters you meet in this professional journey! They might causes nuisance in our personal life”. Kainaz tries to confronts her father “Abbu, I didn’t mean that!” Mr. Sulthana breaks Kainaz’s confronting words by giving serious looks and saysspeaks in a base voice “You have my trust, I hope my daughter safeguard my trust, which I kept on her  from last two decades”. Kainaz bows her head “I never commit such thing, which effects our to our Kandan’s respect”.
Mr. Sulthana:  I trust you, Shabba Kaer Beta.
Kainaz and Roshni : (Keeping their voice low) Shabba Kaer Abba jaan.
It’s seems, Mr. Sulthana’s words affected the thoughts of two young bloods. Kainaz got into a trauma and silently walks to her room. Roshni keeps her hand on Kainaz’s shoulder and her eyes are filled with tears, Kainaz turns around confronts Roshni “It’s fine, why are you crying Roshni? Look at me, nothing happened!”
Roshni: It’s my fault Dhi! I shouldn’t have teased you while having dinner, I messed up with your mind. Otherwise, this would have not happened. I’m sorry Dhi!
Kainaz was in a trauma, however she manages to come out of it and confronts her sister “It wasn’t your fault Roshni. To be honest I was thinking about the Aayan, the way he speaks, the way he treats everyone and the way he shows off himself. He’s such a genuine guy. It’s a rare sequence that I gone through. Being a Muslim girl, we’re never allowed to build a conversation with boys or any other men. I think, I might got infatuated by his behaviour ”.
Roshni: Sometimes I feel that taking birth as a girl is a sin, more specifically as a taking birth as Muslim girl is absolutely a Sin. Always we go through infinite restrictions, customs and rules. We’re not allowed to take our own decision in any of the issues, in case of marriages too. After getting married, we have to live our lives inside 4 walls and the world of slavery. Even you aren’t free, Abba allowed you to join business with keeping restrictions. I’m scared of this people, because for them apart from humanity their rules are important. It’s hard to digest the fact that my future days are no heaven. (Crying continuously)
Kainaz: (Cleaning her tears)  Roshni! look at me, I’ll never let you lead that life of slavery. This is the promise of your Elder sister. Now, relax..
Kainaz manages to amplify her sister’s emotions and make her to fall asleep. Now, It’s her personal time to dump her tears. Kainaz was hurt inside, however she amplified her sisters emotions yet it’s a tough task to control her tears. She laid on her bed, covered her mouth by hands to avoid her screaming. Tears flows through the closed eyes of Kainaz.
Kainaz awakes and notices a sunlight penetrating through her window, grabs her scarf and covers it around her head. She takes a walk towards the garden, she notices a man standing and pouring a tea to the glass. By his appearance, she predicts whether it might be Aayan? The moment she calls him to confirm, Mrs. Sulthana the mother of Kainaz wakes her up from the mysterious dream. “Someone from the project you are working, came to meet you and he’s waiting for you at the living area”. Kainaz replies “Yeah, I’m coming. Ask them to seat and offer him a tea”. The scene repeats as in dream, Kainaz grabs her Scarf and covers it over her head thinking that “What a terrible dream? I’m think my thoughts are influenced by yesterday’s incident”.  Kainaz arrives at the living area and startled for a moment and her eyes pop out surprisingly staring at the person standing in front of her. By looking at him, Kainaz says his name “Aayan!”
Aayan: Subha Kaer, Mis. Sulthana….
Kainaz: Ya Allah! What a coincidence?
                                                          Story continues…..
                                          Chapter 3 ends
Here we back again, The ending of chapter 3 gets you goosebumps. Isn’t it? I won’t take your time too long this time, But you all may got a clarity about the COINCIDENCE! And how it influences one’s positive and negative emotions. However coincidence surprises our emotions with bring the unpredicted situations. Sometimes they might be work in our favour and sometimes may not. Let’s see how this coincidence works for Aayan and Kainaz in the upcoming chapter…
If anyone figured out my name, you owe my compliments. The remaining listeners, I’m offering another hint to make your work easier. The hint as follows:
“I’ll be with everyone in there good and bad situation. During good situation, everyone will forget and they blame me when they go through bad situation. Now tell me, what am I?”

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