7 - The transfer

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Uncle Vernon's eyes fell onto Harry and a malicious grin broke over his face. In two steps, he had reached Harry and grabbed a handful of his hair. Mr. and Mrs. Stenson were running down the stairs to try to stop Harry's uncle.

"Ah... kidnapping, Stenson. That could land you in jail. Especially since you deliberately disobeyed a court order, judges don't look too kindly on that," Uncle Vernon growled at Mr. Stenson.

"Let that boy go right now!" cried Mrs. Stenson, but Uncle Vernon only pulled Harry closer into his grasp, one chubby arm snaking around his neck, the other pulling out a gun and resting it at Harry's temple. Harry stilled and Kota let out a cry of surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Stenson's attitude changed from ready to attack, to surprise, to a calmer pleading.

"Dursley, don't do anything rash. If you hurt Harry in any way, you know you'll be in more trouble with the police than we would ever be. Just put the gun down," Mr. Stenson tried, putting his hands in the air in front of him as one would to calm a growling dog.

"Oh this thing," Uncle Vernon asked giving the gun a little shake. "Oh well I found this on Harry. I've suspected for a while that you might be getting him involved in a gang of some sort and had kidnapped him. When I came to rescue him from your clutches, I found this on him, and if any of you try to attack me, I'll make sure that no one will doubt that I only shot out of self-defense." He had obviously thought out the story in advance and unfortunately, the police or judges would probably believe him. As his uncle started shuffling backwards towards the door, Harry had no choice but to be dragged along with him.

"I'm going to call a friend who just happens to be in a high position in the police force to make sure you don't take any strolls too close to my house, and if any of you do come, I'll have warned my friend about Harry's gang involvement. If I have to shoot him at any point out of 'self- defense' I'll have many sympathizers," Uncle Vernon said with a final sneer as he pushed Harry out the door in front of him. He shoved the gun into his back in such a way that if anyone who didn't know what was going on saw them on the street, they wouldn't have the slightest clue that anything was wrong.

With one final glance back, Harry saw a new set of tears streaming down the females' faces, but a far different kind of tears than he had seen just that morning.

When they got back into the Dursley house and the door was closed to any nosy neighbours, Uncle Vernon punched Harry in the face causing him to fall to the floor. Then he grabbed Harry by his hair and practically dragged him to his old cupboard, threw him inside, and locked the door.

"Consider this your warning, boy," Uncle Vernon hissed through the vent on the door before slamming it shut.

Harry heard his uncle make a phone call (presumably to that friend he mentioned) and told him his story: kidnapping, gangs, and all. It might have been entertaining if it wasn't such a serious situation. He then simply went upstairs and to bed.

Harry lay in his old bed, which seemed extremely tiny compared to the double bed that he slept in at the Stensons, staring at the ceiling. It seemed that he had got off far too easy. Granted there was a cut on his cheek where his uncle's middle knuckle had hit, but Harry had been afraid for his life. Harry could come up with only three explanations.

First possibility: Uncle Vernon could have been in a supremely good mood for scoring points in the family feud with the Stensons.

Second: he was lulling Harry into a false sense of safety and was waiting to strike when it was least expected.

Third: if not those then the only other explanation was that aliens had taken over his uncle's body and were planning to dominate the world, trying to act somewhat like his uncle to pull off their disguise but not truly concerned with an insignificant human being like Harry.

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