15 - Slytherins And Such

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Ron and Harry were racing to the dungeons. Professor Trelawney had kept Harry after to discuss his future death a bit. Ron had waited for him. When Harry finally escaped his annoying professor, they had very little time to get to their next class, which just had to be Potions of course.

They sprinted along the corridors. When they turned a corner, there was a young girl, a first or second year. She was crying in frustration. Her bag had split and she was now trying to gather her books into her arms but there were too many and they kept slipping. She was glancing at her watch, obviously realizing she was going to be late for class. Ron and Harry paused. Ron caught Harry's eye and pointed to his own tie. Harry looked at the girl's. It was green and silver. Ron motioned for Harry to come on but Harry ran up to the girl.

"Hey, don't worry. This happens all the time," he said to the girl, helping her pick up her books. He quickly mended her bag with a simple spell and helped her put the books inside. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"Er...Transfiguration," she said as she wiped away some tears.

"All right, go to the end of this corridor and on your right there's a secret passage under the big tapestry. It'll take you right to the classroom," Harry said quickly, pointing the way.

"Yeah right," she snapped, looking at the red and gold of Harry's tie.

"Listen," Harry said with a kind smile, "I'm not trying to trick you, I promise. If it doesn't lead you straight to the classroom, tell Professor McGonagall that I gave you bad directions and she'll take off points."

"How do you know I won't just tell her that anyway," she asked cheekily.

Harry just smiled at her. "I guess I'll just have to trust you."

Harry followed Ron and they began running off toward the dungeon as the girl ran back to the tapestry, looking over her shoulder at Harry before disappearing underneath it.

"I can't believe you just did that, mate. She's a Slytherin for Merlin's sake. Of course she's going to lie. You should have left her. She would've gotten points off for Slytherin!" Ron breathed as they raced along more corridors. "Now we're really going to be late."

"Ron, she needed help. Don't you remember being a first year? If Prefects and the older students didn't help us out we would never have made it."

"Name one time a Slytherin Prefect helped us out. They don't help us and we don't help them. It's a general rule, Harry."

"Well, don't you think it's time that changed?" he asked as they approached the dungeon finally. Luckily the class was still waiting outside the door to the Potions room. As usual, the Gryffindors and the Slytherins were separated from each other, occasionally shooting glares at the other group as they waited for the Potions master to open the door.

"Ooh look everyone, it's Potty and the Weasel," Draco Malfoy drawled. The Slytherins sniggered as the Gryffindors rolled their eyes.

"Wow, Malfoy, that's really original. You've only been using that one since first year," Harry said, in mock surprise. "I mean, what will you think of next? Maybe you could make fun of Ron being poor and me being an orphan, you know, just to try something new."

The Gryffindors were now the ones sniggering as the Slytherins just glared.

"Well, why think of new ways to insult you when the old ones are so easy?" Malfoy retorted.

"Because people got bored after the first year of it." The Gryffindors all laughed in consent. "Even your cronies don't laugh very hard at your insults any more," Harry said calmly. He obviously had the upper hand in the situation. He turned away and began to talk to Hermione.

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