10 - Realisations

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The next morning, Harry awoke for the first time in days feeling good. His injuries were almost all gone, his fever had gone down, his stomach no longer hurt. As he remembered the reason behind his newfound health, however, he mentally kicked himself. The whole episode was kind of blurry from the time of the first piece of glass coming out and the healing potion. He must've been only half-conscious. He did remember spilling his secret out to Snape, and in much more detail than he had ever intended to tell anyone, especially not the greasy-haired potion's master. He just hoped that Snape stayed true to his word and didn't tell anyone.

A few weeks later found Ron and Harry trudging miserably up the tower stairs to Divination. Harry now especially hated the class since whenever Professor Trelawney predicted his death, he couldn't help but realize that this time, she was finally right.

He therefore spent most of the class trying to block out her droning voice. They were learning how to palm read. After what seemed like an eternity of lecture, she finally let the students break off into pairs to practice their new lesson. Harry admitted to Ron that he had been spacing out while the lesson had been going on so Ron decided to go first in reading Harry's palm. He propped his book open on the desk next to him for reference.

"All right, er...this is your life line, I think," Ron said with a frown of concentration. He looked at the book and tried to match up the lines it was talking of to the lines on Harry's hand. "It curves so that means that your life is er..." He looked at Harry and shrugged. "...wavy? Well, anyways, I can't tell which of these two lines are which so you're either going to be popular and others will dislike you, or you'll have no friends but people will love you? Well that'll be interesting to see you pull that one off." Ron laughed turning Harry's hand from side to side as if waiting for the lines to suddenly all make sense.

"Well, either way, at least I'll have a wavy life," teased Harry. Unfortunately, Professor Trelawney must've overheard them talking and came over.

"Let me show you all how it's properly done. I'll use Mr. Potter as an example. Mr. Potter, no need to be dramatic, please scoot your chair back over here."

Harry reluctantly followed her orders. Professor Trelawney sat down facing Harry and grabbed his hand, staring intently at the palm for what seemed like hours. Just when people started whispering suspicions that she might have fallen asleep or something, she started tutting and sadly shaking her head.

"Oh dear, boy, you have the shortest life line I've ever seen. I fear you will not survive the year."

"Isn't the life line supposed to show your attitude toward life and the quality of your life rather than the length?" Harry asked, annoyed. It was the truth though. At least that was what their textbook had said.

Professor Trelawney frowned. "Lines have multiple meanings," she snapped. Then she calmed herself and continued in her mystical voice. "This jaggedness implies a long, painful death."

Parvati and Lavender gasped, shooting sympathetic looks at Harry.

Harry's blood began to boil.

"Wasn't I already supposed to die about twice already? Maybe you should quit expressing your death wishes for me before somebody starts wondering why your predictions never come true."

Professor Trelawney looked surprised, along with the rest of the class. Even Harry himself was a little taken aback by what he had just said, but the comment had rubbed him the wrong way and he was by no means sorry.

"The gift of the inner eye is a very delicate thing. I don't expect people without any talent in Divination, such as yourself, to understand its complexities," she huffed indignantly.

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