25 - Scars And Schemes

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When Harry got back to the Gryffindor common room, he quickly said the password to the Fat Lady, who told him he was looking a bit peaky before opening up.

"You need to start eating more, dear!" the painting shouted before closing behind Harry. Harry was slammed into by an orange blur.

"Ron?" he asked confusedly as Ron hugged him. His redheaded friend then stepped back with a huge grin and began jumping from foot to foot excitedly. Harry couldn't help but smile with him. "Ron, what's going on?"

"She said yes! She said yes!" he practically shouted.

"Who said..." Harry paused and his eyes widened. "Wait, you mean Hermione? You asked her?"

Ron nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! She's going to be my girlfriend. Or she is my girlfriend, assuming it officially started when she said yes! Hermione's my girlfriend!"

Harry laughed with joy, all thoughts of the Stensons being immediately shoved out of his head.

At that moment, Hermione came down the stairs, pausing for a moment as she saw Ron, her face lighting up and a blush creeping onto her cheeks. Ron immediately calmed down as his eyes fell upon her. He was still grinning broadly as he ran through his hair and fell victim to the famous Weasley blush.

"Hey, 'Mione," he said shyly.

Hermione rolled her eyes at their awkwardness and came up to them, standing by Ron's side. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and grasped his hand, causing Ron to both smile and blush even more.

"So I'm sure Ron's told you we're dating now," Hermione said happily before her expression turned slightly worried. "Are you all right with it, Harry? Really, is it okay?"

"Are you kidding? It's about bloody time!" Harry said with a laugh.

Hermione lunged forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. Harry hugged her back. "Oh, Harry, you're the best. Are you sure you're fine with this?"

"Of course. I'm so happy for you guys!" he said, making Hermione hug him harder.

They both looked over at Ron, and smiled.

"Oh come here Ron," Hermione laughed. Harry and Hermione opened up their hug and pulled in Ron too.

"Oh how cute, a group hug," Harry said with light sarcasm. His comment just made his two friends squeeze him harder.

Finally they all broke away when Harry dramatically claimed that they were crushing his lungs.

"Hermione! Is it true?" Ginny screamed gleefully as she raced into the common room from the girls' tower. "Are you seriously going out with my prat of a brother?"

Hermione nodded and Ginny hugged her. "You realize you're insane," she commented. She stepped back to look at the two, standing beside Harry.

"Oh no. I've just realized that poor Ginny and I are going to have to witness your snogging sessions," Harry said shaking his head. Hermione's jaw dropped as the pair both turned bright red.

"Harry!" she admonished.

"Oh Merlin, you're right Harry. This will definitely be psychologically damaging," Ginny said in mock resignation.

Harry sighed dramatically. "Well, you know what we'll have to do then, Gin."


"You do?"

"Er...well no."

"We'll just have to tease them mercilessly about it. Follow them around making kissing sounds and such," Harry said, ignoring the glares he was getting from Ron and Hermione.

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