13 - Attacks

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Harry woke with a start gasping for breath. He bolted out of bed and realized that it must still be early because nobody else was in the dorm. He raced down to the common room, thankful now that he hadn't bothered to change into his pajamas earlier. He saw Ron and Hermione talking with a game of Wizard's chess in front of them. He raced over.

"What time is it?!" he asked panicked.

"Um, it's 9:15. Harry, what's wrong?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Voldemort's going to attack Hogwarts at midnight!" he whispered, not wanting to alarm anyone else. He raced out of the common room at full speed, ignoring shouts for him to come back from others concerned with losing house points. Harry ran the entire way to McGonagall's office, hearing Ron and Hermione somewhere behind him. He didn't bother running to Dumbledore's knowing that he always had problems getting past the gargoyle.

Luckily, the head of the Gryffindor house was still up grading papers. She looked up when Harry burst in the door.

"Mr. Potter, what in the name of Merlin...."

"Professor, I have to see Professor Dumbledore immediately. It's an emergency! I need to know the password to get in!" he said, gasping for breath.

"What's going on?"

"Voldemort's going to attack Hogwarts!" he shouted.

"How do you know..."

"Professor, please! The password!" he begged. There was only about two and a half hours to somehow prepare against an attack. McGonagall looked torn but gave in.

"Lemon Drop."

Harry nodded in thanks and once again broke out into a run, Hermione and Ron once again falling behind him. He shouted the password as he approached the entrance, sprinting past the gargoyle, which had jumped out of the way, growling at Harry for almost hitting it as he dashed by.

He sprinted up the moving stairs and knocked furiously on the door to Dumbledore's office.


The door swung open and Dumbledore looked down at him with a concerned expression. Hermione and Ron were clambering up the steps all out of breath, looking like they had just run a marathon.

"Come in," the headmaster said standing aside, gesturing for them to enter. Ron and Hermione immediately fell into two chairs, gasping for air, but Harry remained standing.

"Professor, I had another dream. Voldemort was talking to the Death Eaters, telling them that they were going to attack Hogwarts at midnight tonight!"

Dumbledore's eyes lost their twinkle. He suddenly looked very serious.

"Was there anything else?"

"Erm...something about using me as an example to the wizarding world. They were supposed to find me first thing."

Hermione and Ron looked extremely troubled at this. Just then, the door burst open and several professors were following Professor McGonagall in. Dumbledore quickly explained the situation, adding the fact that Snape had been summoned earlier and it was safe to assume that this dream was actually happening when Harry had it.

"What are we going to do, Albus?" Professor McGonagall asked all flustered.

"We're going to get all the students out of here. Heads of houses, gather your students. Tell them only to bring their wands and cloaks. They don't have time to change if they're in their night clothes, they'll just have to go as they are. No student is to be allowed to send an owl; we must make this as secret as possible. Get them to Hogsmeade and load them all on a train towards Beauxbatons, then return immediately. I'll owl Madam Maxine to prepare her. Professor Vector, I'll need you to be in temporary charge of the Slytherins. We'll have Hagrid, Sybil, and Norton go with the students. I'm afraid that's all we can spare. The rest of us will strengthen up the wards. I need to owl some people to help. Go quickly and remember, nobody in Hogsmeade can be informed of this and no student is allowed to get word out."

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