22 - Shopping For Dress Robes

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In the following days, Harry was shocked to find that Eloise had been right about one thing. Apparently, Harry Potter was the hot item for the dance. It soon got around that he had turned down Cho, which seemed to open a floodgate for other invitations. Girls from many houses and years were asking him to the dance, each disappointed to hear that he was no longer on the market.

Sirius had been coming to visit Harry about three nights a week and on weekends ever since he had found out about Harry's cancer. Harry loved the time they spent together, but it also stressed him out slightly since Sirius always shot him sad looks when he thought Harry wouldn't notice. He was glad the ball was coming up. It was something that would take his mind away from the fact that he didn't have that much time left.

Meanwhile, Hermione and Ron kept blushing every time they saw one another.

Hermione had confided in Harry that she was relieved that Ron wasn't daft enough to wait until the last minute this year to ask someone, which was Hermione's way of saying how happy she was that Ron asked her and not some other girl. Hermione had been ecstatic to hear that Harry had asked Eloise. She had hugged him and squealed in delight, exclaiming how sweet it was.

Now it was the day before the dance, and everyone had the day off of classes. After breakfast, Harry met up with Hagrid in Dumbledore's office, dressed in his Muggle clothes. They used his office fire to floo to the Leaky Cauldron. Harry waited outside for Kota, while Hagrid decided to have a drink inside. He felt awkward just standing there while everyone around him seemed to be rushing to get one place or another. He had nothing else to do but people-watch, having to quickly avert his eyes whenever they felt his gaze.


Harry looked up to see Kota walking quickly toward him waving. He waved back. Kota greeted him with her usual friendly hug.

"So where are we shopping?" she asked eagerly, looking up from the big book shop to the record shop.

"Kota, what do you see between the book shop and the record store?"

She raised an eyebrow. "A brick wall."

"All right, then you're just going to have to trust me," he said. He took her wrist and led her to the Leaky Cauldron.

When he opened the door she gasped. "Oh my God! Where did that door come from?" Then she looked inside and smiled in wonder. "Woah."

Harry led her inside and over to Hagrid, of whom she seemed slightly afraid, especially when he stood up. "Well hey there," he said with a friendly smile.

"Uh, hi," Kota said, discreetly taking a step back.

"What time should we meet you Hagrid?" Harry asked.

"Be back 'ere 'round four. Don' worry if yer a little late, but don' make me worry," he said cheerfully, sitting back down to finish his drink.

The two said goodbye and went out back. Harry tapped the correct brick. Kota gasped as the doorway opened up to reveal a bustling Diagon Alley.

Harry led her to Madam Malkin's, prying her away from various store windows, promising to let her explore after getting her robes. He wasn't sure how long it took for girls to shop, but he'd heard frightening tales of girls spending hours in one shop. (Hermione had pointed out that Harry and Ron did this in the Quidditch shop, but they had insisted that it was an entirely different situation.)

Kota watched in awe as various wizards and witches being measured by just the measuring tape. "This place is amazing, Harry. If I was ever doubting your sanity with this whole wizard thing, my doubts are now completely dashed."

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