33 - Deserving A Break

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Finally, it was Friday, the day he had promised to tell the rest of the Weasley kids about the cancer. That day they had their Care of Magical Creatures test, which only consisted of a written exam. For once, Harry was able to see that Hagrid's lessons were not completely random spiels on magical creatures that he found interesting, but had actually been preparatory for the O.W.L.s. He nearly laughed when he read the question: How should a person approach a Hippogriff and what will cause one to become angry?

He didn't get very far into the test when he began to feel ill. Luckily, Professor Lupin had been one of the exam proctors and had noticed Harry's shivering and the grimace of pain on his face, and realized what was going on.

He came over and knelt by Harry's seat. "Harry, let's get you to the Hospital Wing, okay? The test isn't important. Hagrid already knows you're a good student."

Harry started to protest, but a dizzy spell reminded him that he didn't want to faint in front of the entire fifth year class. He nodded and shoved his quills into his pocket. Lupin escorted him out, handing in his exam on the way out. Many students glanced up curiously, but quickly went back to their tests as the given time trickled away. Harry's friends watched him worriedly, but he gave them a reassuring smile before going out the door.

Lupin brought Harry to the Hospital Wing, but Madam Pomfrey was at a bit of a loss. Harry was already on fever-reducing potion, but his immune system was failing and without its help, potions were no longer working as well or lasting as long.

"There's nothing you can do to help him?" Lupin asked, casting Harry a sympathetic look as the boy lay on his usual hospital bed. Madam Pomfrey shot a glare at him.

"Remus, if I knew what to do, don't you think I would be doing it? He's on so many potions all ready and I'm not an expert with his condition. If you want to help, go call Severus. You can use the fire in my office," she said sternly. Remus went to her office to execute her orders. She sat on the edge of Harry's bed next to him. Her expression softened as he smiled weakly at her. "Now you did take your potions this morning, right dear?"

"Mmm hmm," murmured, nodding his head slightly. "They've been working fine up until now. I must be getting really bad," he said lightly, but Madam Pomfrey could easily see the fear on his face and it broke her heart. Unfortunately, she couldn't find any comforting words.

"I'm sorry, dear. I wish I knew more about this, Harry, so I could help you. Professor Snape will be here soon and hopefully, he can have some answers with potions questions."

"Don't apologize, Madam Pomfrey. I knew when I did this what it would be like. If it wasn't for you I'd have been in pain for a lot longer."

She cooled off the cloth on his forehead and readjusted it. Harry murmured his thanks, still slightly embarrassed to be taken care of. Madam Pomfrey noticed a look on Harry's face, as if he was debating whether to say something or not.

"Harry?" she asked to prompt him. He looked down at his fidgeting hands.

"Umm...well, I was just wondering, honestly, do you think I'll make it until my birthday? I mean, I know I said July, but with all the potions, it might turn out differently than it would have with Mr. Stenson. You can be honest with me. I can take it."

The nurse looked down him and tried not to cry. The way things were looking, she wasn't sure he'd make it until July.

"Yes. You can make it until then. You just have to believe that you can and you will."

Harry looked up at her hopefully. "Really?"


He flashed her a huge smile. "That would be great. I've always wanted to have a real birthday, you know, with a cake and candles and people singing the song." He looked off dreamily.

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