Chapter 12

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((A/N: hey y'all s sorry I've been lacking on the story updates. life kind of happened but I'm going to try and write more. I'm also streaming on my days off as well. love you all and thank you so much for the reads, votes and comments. much love: Suzy))

After a successful week in Nashville B and I head home to our boys before we have to do the last leg of the tour. I jump out of the truck and almost get knocked over by Hank and Sylo. I yelp and B catches me before i fall on my ass making Ko and him laugh. I drop down to the dogs and love on them which makes my face an easy target.
"Dude, Hank!" I yelp wiping my face off and he barks and wiggles trying to lay on me.
"Hey Sylo!" He laughs and drops down to pet him.
"Baby watch out." I say as Hank plows him over and licks him.
"Hank man get off me ya fat lard." He laughs pushing him off.
"Hank heel." I spit out between laughs, and he sulks over to me.
"How was the album release?" Ko asks helping me stand up.
"Amazing and I respectfully told off hunter in front of everyone. He almost pissed himself when B walked up behind me." I say laughing.
"Shit I wish I could have seen his face!" Ko doubles over laughing.
"Oh, Jason got it all video considering you were loud when you were speaking to him." B smirks at him.
"B, I hate to bring down the spirits but imma go in but I think he should know what happened." I say softly looking up at him.
"Yeah, I'll bring in the bags when I come in. go grab a drink and relax I'll be in soon Babygirl." He says softly kissing my head.
"Kay. love you both and thanks again ko for watchin the dawgs." I say softly my accent getting thick.
"Of course, Suzy. love ya to I'll see ya later." Kolby says hugging me.
"Love you to Babygirl." B says as I head inside.
"Sy, Hank come on babies inside." I call and both come running into the house after me.


I watch Suzy take the dogs in with a small smile on my face. I take a look at Ko and sigh softly before leaning against my truck. Ko moves to my side and leans against my truck with me. He stays quiet knowing I'm trying to form words. I feel his hand rest on my shoulder and he squeezes it.
"B what happened brother?" He presses softly.
"You were gonna be an uncle." I reply in a whisper.
"What do you mean was?" He asks.
"She lost the baby hours after we found out." I say dropping my head.
"Shit." He says softly and pulls me into a hug.
"Yeah, but the nurse said it was better we lost the baby when we did." I reply hugging him back.
"What happened exactly?" He asks me.
"Apparently the baby wasn't attached to her uterine wall correctly, so she miscarried." I explain.
"Oh damn. that doesn't happen often, does it?" He asks.
"Nope." I reply.
"How is she handling it?" He asks.
"At first she kept blaming herself for loosing peanut, but I think the nurse talking to her helped a little and then realizing that she is not the problem, but the way peanut attached itself was." I reply.
"How are you holding up because i know you didn't take a huge hit like her but you lost the baby to." Ko asks.
"Honestly I'm just glad she is ok and if it didn't happen then I could have lost them both and I'd rather have her here and try again then to lose her to." I reply looking at him.
"I get it B, I should head home and you should go spend time with her and the dogs." Ko says.
"Yeah, I should." I reply softly.
"Hey, are y'all planning on taking them with you when you go on the rest of the tour?" Ko asks me.
"No clue brother I'll ask the other half and see what she says." I reply.
"Ok, don't forget Sunday lunch at mommas." He says and hugs me.
"We'll be there bye ko thanks again brother." I say hugging him back.
"Of course, B." He says and climbs into his jeep and leaves.
I sigh and pull out my pack of smokes and pull one out lighting it. I take a long drag off it before running my hand over my face. my phone dings and i slip it out of my jeans and open the message. I growl lowly and respond to the text, i know i need to show Babygirl the messages since all of them were of Jana trying to get back with me but I shoot her down every time.
'Look Jana leave me the fuck alone. I'm with someone else why can't you get that through your thick skull!' i respond to her.
'She's just with you because she can get a foot in the music industry.' Jana replies.
'No, she isn't you. now I will not ask you again to leave us alone.' I reply before stomping out my cigarette and grabbing our bags from the truck bed.
I make my way inside the house and up to the bedroom. i hear snoring and the tv playing from our room and chuckle to myself walking in and seeing her curled up with some wine and the dogs. she smiles up at me as i set the bags on the floor at the end of the bed. i walk around to her side and kiss her softly making her giggle.
"Hey Babygirl you comfy?" I ask smiling down at her.
"Very although our chainsaws could be quieter." She says making me laugh.
"Yeah, well there's nothing that can be done about that." I smile and kiss her head.
"You mister need to go put those shoes back downstairs." She scolds me pointing to my boots that I forgot to kick off down by the door.
"Yes ma'am." I smile and grab our bags and head back downstairs.
I kick off my boots at the door and take our bags to the laundry room figuring I'd rather deal with it now than later. After tossing in our clothes, I decide to toss in what I'm wearing as well. I start the washer and head to the kitchen grabbing some snacks and drinks for us. I finally head back up to the room and put the snacks on the bed before crawling in next to her. Suzy immediately scoots closer and rests her head on my shoulder as I wrap my arm around her waist. She sighs softly and finishes off her glass before setting it aside.
"What's wrong Babygirl?" I ask softly. 
"I don't know, I'm probably just tired from the drive home." She says stretching out making her back pop loudly.
"Can I talk to you about a few things. The first is a question and the other I need you to have an open mind and not get pissed off at me. I never did anything I promise." I say looking at her.
"I can try but I can't promise I won't get mad B." She speaks.
"I understand but please try." I ask.
"I'll try." She says making me nod.
"So, first off how do you feel about bringing the boys with us?" I ask her.
"Wait were allowed to?" she asks getting excited.
"We can if you want to." I smile.
"Please!" She grins up at me.
"Of course, now remember you promised you would try to not get mad at me. I don't know how but Jana got my new number and she's been texting me. I only responded after trying to ignore her for months. When I respond I keep telling her to back off, but she won't listen." I explain and can see her getting upset.
"You swear on momma that you didn't do a damn thing besides shut her down?" she asks me and i can hear the venom in her voice.
"I swear Babygirl. I'll show you my phone I got nothing to hide." I say handing her my phone.
"I trust you Brantley but it's her I don't trust." She growls.
"I get that baby." I say watching her read all the texts between her and I.
"She just sent you a nude! What the fuck!" She yelps out and I can see her vibrating with rage.
"Alright I'm done playing this game!" I say and grab my phone back to block her.
"B we need to get you a new number again." She sighs heavily next to me.
"We will in the mornin." I reply pulling her against me.
"I love you." She mutters into my chest.
"I love you too Doll." I whisper against her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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