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Aadhil POV:

I was in deep slumber when the ringtone interrupted my sleep.

I groaned and picked up the phone. I didn't even see the caller's ID as I was sleepy.

I attended the call and said, "Hello".

"Hello, Adhil. I'm Zafar. Come to my house, now."

"Zafar Bhai? What's wrong? Is everything fine?"

"Come, home, now. Sanam committed suicide."

My eyes widened.
How can she?

"What? How?", I asked.

"Come home and don't tell anyone, please. Come alone, fast.", he said and hung up the call.

I quickly grabbed my car keys and didn't even think of changing my clothes.

I heeded out. It was 3:30 am. I drove to her house, quickly.

I had tears in my eyes thinking about losing her.

Why did she even do this? Because of her love failure?

"Ya allah, she should be fine. My love should be fine. Even if she's not ready to live with me, let her stay happy with her lover. I don't want to lose her. Please, allah."

I reached her house and entered the lift. I hurriedly went towards her house and pressed the doorbell.

Within a few seconds, someone opened the door and it was Zafar.

He looked concerned but his expressions changed as soon as he saw me. He became angry.

"Aadhil, I won't spare you.", he spat clutching my collar.

"Hey, let me see Sanam. Please, what I even did."

"Why do you wanna see Sanam? To know whether she's dead? And, you're shamelessly asking me what you did after telling her to die."

"What? I didn't say anything like that?"

"Oh really? Then, why did she commit suicide? She has clearly mentioned your..."

"Zafar, leave him. Let him see Sanam first.", Junaid interrupted and saved me from his wrath.

"No, this killer will not see Sanam.", Zafar said.

"Please.", I said with tears in my eyes.

"Zafar, let him see. He's her husband.", Junaid said.

"Husband, my foot.", Zafar spat.

Junaid led me towards Sanam's room. She was lying down in the bed. Her eyes were closed and there was bandaid wrapped above her wrist.

I looked at her pathetic condition and touched her injured hand.

"Is she safe?", I asked Junaid.

"Unfortunately, yes. Sorry to disappoint you, you wanted her to die but alas, she survived.", Zafar said.

"Why would I ask her to die?", I asked.

"Oh yeah, let me remind you something. Here, read this."

He handed over a paper to me.

"Sanam wrote this before committing suicide."

Dear people,

      Those who loved me wholeheartedly, thank you for your love and support. I don't think I deserve this much love and affection from you all. I recently got married and it was forced marriage but I literally chose to accept Adhil as my husband and thought of getting to know him. Due to some misunderstandings created by Dhruv, he suspected me of cheating on him and I tried my best to convince him that I didn't do anything wrong. But, Adhil didn't believe me and told me to prove it by giving up my life. So, after thinking for a long time, I have come to a conclusion to end my life.

Adhil, I don't know whether I'll be alive or dead when you're reading this letter, but just remember that I proved that I'm not wrong by doing whatever you told me to do and also I started falling for you after we both got married.

Dhruv, I don't know whether you'll be reading this letter but I really appreciate you for loving me unconditionally. You are the first man to fall in love with me. Unfortunately, I didn't reciprocate because I only saw you as my close friend. I really love the way you treated me. You'll get a great girl better than me. Sorry for breaking your heart. Sorry.

Zafar Bhai, Thank you very much for supporting me everytime and standing with me. Even, yesterday, you tried to sort the disputes between me and Adhil. Thank you for everything. Thanks for treating me like your own sister.

Junaid Bhai, I know you hate me but I still love you. I know you think that I betrayed Dhruv and married Adhil. Well, it's not true. I wanted to be friends with me and I never betrayed anyone. Like you said yesterday, not all girls are cheaters and gold diggers. I know you had a love failure but don't lose hope. Just because a girl betrayed you doesn't mean all girls are like that. You'll find your life partner soon. What? Wondering how I know all these? you blabbered all this to me when Maasi and Zafar Bhai were away from home. Thanks for taking care of me on that day, you took care of me only for one day but it really touched my heart as I was yearning for your love and affection. But, you shattered my happiness when you said it was all a formality to prevent me from telling it to Zakhiya maasi. It's ok, Bhai. I'll die after few minutes, but even while thinking about that incident now, I'm smiling like a mad person. Thank you for everything.

Finally, thanks mama and baba for supporting me. I know you'll be heartbroken to see my lifeless body after I commit suicide. But, I don't have anyothwr option to prove my dignity to my husband. Sorry, both.


I finished reading her letter and then only I realised that I told such hurtful words to get in the lift. I looked at her with full concern.

I felt disgusted by my thoughts.

"Happy now? She proved that she was not worng by committing suicide. She was very close to death. I somehow saved her quickly after she slit her wrist. She didn't lose much blood. If I wouldn't have reached her room, on time, she would have been dead."

I quickly hugged Zafar and thanked him.

"Thanks for saving my wife and I'm sorry, I was an idiot to not believe my wife. Sorry."

He didn't say anything.

Thenz I sat next to Sanam and took her hand in my mine.

I kissed her hand and mumbled,

"Sorry, I promise to stand with you through thick and thin. I will never suspect you and I will always trust you. Didn't know that you were in love with me. Sorry."

Hey guys, after a long time, an update.

Please, tell me how it is?

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