New Beginings or the End?

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*Flashback - that day at the hotel*

Abhimanyu cuts the video call with his father as soon as Aarohi enters the room after gathering herself from the frustration she's undergoing. It was evident from her expression that she's not pleased with the recent turn of events.

Aarohi: *determined* Dr. Abhimanyu Birla, we need to talk!

Abhimanyu (in his mind): *sighs* There you go, back to the formalities! I really deserve this!

Abhimanyu: *clears throat* Yes, Aarohi we should. Also my father has called your phone to inform that he's sending my phone through courier and requested me to keep my location known to him. Sir and Tauji agree with my need for a break.

Aarohi: *nodding her head* Good decision.

Abhimanyu: *giving Aarohi, her phone back* You don't have to stick with me after everything, but I wouldn't mind if you stick around though!

Aarohi: *raising eyebrows* Ever heard the phrase "Communication is the key".

Abhimanyu: Yes?

Aarohi: So now you better open up!

Abhimanyu: I'll start with my apology!

Aarohi: *interrupts him* We're past that last night, so skip it.

Aarohi gives Abhimanyu a blank stare, abhimanyu stares back.

Abhimanyu: *deep breathe* I don't know what to do? I don't know what I am doing!

Aarohi: *trying not to lose her cool* Yes, you're getting there. Now just clarify me one thing. *rubbing her forehead* Why are you jumping from Akshara to me and from me to Akshara, because you were the one to propose for an arranged marriage with me after Akshara rejected you on the name of sacrificing her love for me. Then you, ditched me for Akshara. Then you ditched Akshara due to your own self realisation. Now, you're starting to find me comforting!!!

Aarohi was panting heavily at the end of her rant. Abhimanyu hung his head down in guilt.

Aarohi: *pissed* Look at me, when I'm talking to you Dr. Birla!

Abhimanyu did so, but Aarohi noticed a certain something in his eyes. She could not deduce it to what it was exactly.

Abhimanyu: *blankly* I was not lying when I said that I find you comforting. Will you give me another chance?

Aarohi: *shocked* What?! You've quite the audacity, you know!

Abhimanyu: *smugly* I do!

Aarohi: *furious* That was not a compliment! I gave you a chance after the Tilak Fiasco, where you confessed your undying love for Akshara.

Abhimanyu: *interrupts her* I mistook the attraction I had for her voice as love for her.

Aarohi: Don't interrupt me! *huffs* If what you had for Akshara was just attraction, then what you have for me is just finding comfort.

Abhimanyu: *sincerely* It's more that finding comfort Aarohi. I'm starting to understand you, opening up to you. I regret the way I've treated you. I want things to be better with you, between us and everything.

Aarohi: *frowning* What if I point it out that you're not in the right head space now?

Abhimanyu: *determined* I'll heal myself first, get myself into a right headspace and repeat the same things to you in future, even if you don't give me another chance, I'll accept your wishes.

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