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                    •Elysian Monroe•

My eyes were glued to the ceiling I wasn't sure how today was going to go. Considering, she's sleeping in my guest room.

I lowly sighed, I don't know why I told her to stay. My chest was so tight when she told me what happened, I didn't know what else to do.

I rolled over and curled up. I was surprised that she even came to me for comfort. Especially considering how our last session went, I'd thought that would be the last time I saw her.

I chuckled, I should've known better. I could hear a door open and close, I lifted up and listened to the footsteps. Hopefully it was Eli and not Kari walking around.

I sighed and decided it was best to get out of bed. I got up and stretched. With one last sigh, I head towards my door and walk out.

I make my way towards the guest room and I softly knock on the door. I didn't hear anything so I slightly opened it and pocked my head inside. I lowly groaned when she wasn't in eye sight.

I closed the door and went to Eil's room. I softly knocked and opened the door slightly. She wasn't in eye sight either. I hummed and walked into her room.

Her necklace was still hanging on her mirror, I need to ask her about that when she gets home from school. My head lifted up towards her closet when I heard a noise.

"Eli?" I called out

I heard something drop and seconds later, her head emerged from her closet. I lowly hummed, happy to know she woke on time.

"Care to explain who's in our kitchen right now?" She demanded

I sighed, I guess the cat was out of the bag quicker than I expected it to be. I stepped closer to her and softly sighed as I remembered my words.

"That would be Akari." I spoke

She got up and walked out of her closet. She stood in front of me with her arms crossed. I prepared myself for the worst.

"She's prettier than I thought she'd be." She hummed

I chuckled at her comment and waited for her to continue. I knew the compliment was only to ease her next words

She laughed and turned around to continue roaming around in her closet

"You're not fucking her and yet, here she is making us breakfast in our kitchen. Odd, wouldn't you say?" She muttered

"Language, I will not tell you again. Next time, I'll throw something at you. Understood?" I demanded

She only hummed in response and my annoyance was slowly creeping up on me. She has a right to feel what she does but once again, that does not give her the right to speak to me in such a manner.

I walked over to her bed and sat down. It wouldn't hurt to tell her why she's here, I wouldn't go in depth but, I should give her a piece of the story to ease her troubled mind.

"She showed up here late last night because the father of her child took their daughter from her. I can't share too much, she may not be my client anymore but the information told to me in our sessions will still be kept a secret. What I can share is that, she had done me a favor and so this is me returning it." I explained

She turned to face me once i finished and she tilted her head. I think she was trying to remember the favor.

"Right, she paid to get the car fixed. So, how long is she staying?" She sighed

"I told her she could stay for the night." I answered

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