∗∗✦Chapter One✦∗∗

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"Urgh, Finally! I'm just fed up with this shitty classes! Abbu forced me, otherwise I would never have come to this hell
"Mahmuda watch your mouth. I warned you not to use bad words"
"Ayesha I'm just bored with this lectures. Studies are fu*king irritating!"
Ayesha gave her a stern look to which she rolled her eyes as an expression. And then she noticed Afjal was at the main gate waiting for her. She ran towards him and hugged him.
Afjal chuckled and hugged her back. Ayesha says Salam to Afjal and he replied with "Walaikum salam, How are you Ayesha?"
"Alhamdulillah fine uncle, what about you? How's your health?" Ayesha asked with a warm smile on her face "Alhamdulillah I'm fine" He looked at Mahmuda's head which was coverd with hijab and kissed her head.
"How was my Jannah's College today?"
"It's just so boring Abbu! I don't wanna come here again"
"You said you wanna be a business woman in future but at the same time you don't wanna come to College. How you will be able to gain success?"
"But Abbu you always use to say that what is in our Taqdeer it'll happen one day"
"Yes it is! But Allah helps those who loves to do harwork for their goals. And Dua have the power to change your fate if you want something in halal way."

That time she thought about Tajwar. She believes that Allah has fixed someone for her as her spouse as she knows everyone's life partner was tied with their fate 40 years ago of their birth. But at the same time she wants Tajwar as her spouse. It's so heartbreaking for her that she loves him but he loves someone else!
Afjal noticed her silence and pulled away from her. "What happened Jannah?"
"Nothing Abbu"
"Wanna go somewhere?
"Where? Your and Ammi's favourite place?"
"Nope, but it'll be your favourite place for sure!"
Mahmuda looked at Ayesha and ask her "Will you come with us?"
"Sorry to say, I didn't take permission from Appa to go anywhere"
"You can inform him later, come na?" Ayesha looked at her with a sad look on her face "I can't Mahmuda, try to understand"
Afjal noticed the fear in Ayesha's face, she refused to go with them many times because her father don't allow her to go anywhere without his permission nor without him!
"It's okay Ayesha, go safely okay?"
"Okay uncle, Assalam Alaikum. Allah Hafiz Mahmuda"
"Allah Hafiz, take care" Mahmuda replied with a sad face
They both hugged each other and after being pulled away from each other ayesha bidded goodbye to them and left from there for her home.

"Let's go my Jannah" Mahmuda nodded and grab his wrist. They both started to walk for that specific place, middle of the way Afjal saw an ice cream parlour and took her there.
Afjal took two chocolate flavour ice cream for them because Mahmuda's favourite ice cream flavour is chocolate. He gave Mahmuda her ice cream and she said
"Thank you Abbu"
"It's Jazakallah Jannah, you again forgot that?"
Mahmuda bite her tongue and said "Sorry Abbu"
"It's okay. always remember, all thanks goes to Allah" Mahmuda nodded and Afjal patted her head, they again started to walk forward. After they reached that place, Mahmuda saw that it was full of flowers in the garden with a banyan tree at the centre of the garden

 After they reached that place, Mahmuda saw that it was full of flowers in the garden with a banyan tree at the centre of the garden

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