∗∗✦Chapter Five✦∗∗

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"I love someone else Kook!"


After coming back from College Tajwar came to his room without even talking with anyone not even Mina! Everyone sensed something off in his behaviour. Mina went to his room then she saw he was laying on his back on his bed while his legs were touching the floor. Tajwar didn't notice her presence, His eyes were shedding tears without any reason. He wiped his tears and sat on the bed while lowered his head "Why am I feeling like this?" He said to himself.
Mina came to him and caresses his hair "What happened to my little prince?" Tajwar looked up at her face then she saw tears were forming in his eyes. She impatiently said to him "Tajwar! What happened my son?" He didn't say anything but hugged her while hiding his face into her abdomen. Mina didn't asked him anything else and started to caressed his hairs.
After a while he left her and went to washroom without saying anything. Mina sighed "Sometime I feels like I'm failed as a mother!" She went out of his room.
Tajwar came out from washroom after taking a long shower and saw Mina has gone. He chuckled reproaching himself and said in his heart "No one can understand me as always! You guys are trying hard but still Eomma! I am tired of this pain!" He went to his balcony with the packet of cigarette. He took a puff of cigarette and looked at it before putting it between his lips, he was about to light up the cigarette then some past memory with Mahmuda echoed in his mind


What's wrong with it if I smoke?

There have nothing wrong in it nor I will force you to stop smoking!


Smoke if you want, but remember someone is living for you! Someone is wishing to be with you!

Who will be that unlucky? who will wish to be with me??😂😂

Tajwar threw the cigarette and sat on the floor. "What's wrong with me? Why am I thinking of her?"

Mina came to his room with a tray. She brought lunch with her for Tajwar. Tajwar was sitting Infront of his computer while playing games. But his concentration wasn't in game!
"Tajwar, come here baby. Eomma will feed you!" He didn't say anything and eat silently, after finishing lunch Mina washed her hands and sat beside him "What's wrong with you Tajwar? You know I don't like your silence" Tajwar looked at her and hugged her "Eomma?" His soft melting voice made her eyes became teary "Yes my love?" She said with a cracking voice "Make me sleep in your lap like my childhood please" Mina sniffed and started to caressed his hair.


Doctors said Mahmuda will get her sense back after 12 hours but 24 hours passed she is still not awake!
In the middle of the night, Afjal was sleeping sitting beside her resting his head on the bed while holding her hand which was connected with canola. Suddenly he felt his head was shaking. He opened his eyes and saw Mahmuda was taking unusual breaths and the bed was shaking!

Riyad was sitting outside ICU but listening to Afjal's screaming he went there "Riyad call the doctors! She is panting heavily!" Riyad called the doctor. Doctor said Riyad and Afjal to wait out of the room.
After like one hour doctor came out from the ICU room and said with a hesitated voice "She is not responding sir. It's getting out of control. She herself doesn't want to live! Is she doesn't woke up before 72 hours she will be in coma!"
Afjal suddenly sat on the floor on his knees! Riyad held him and make him sat on the bench. "Please brace yourself uncle! She just needs our support now!" Afjal cried heavily and said "She was never that much weak Riyad! Never have I seen her like this even after her dark past!" Riyad hugged him tightly and asked the doctor "Doctor please can we see her?"
Doctor was about to say no but after watching Afjal's condition she nodded.

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