∗∗✦Chapter Eight✦∗∗

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Author POV

Jungkook and Tajwar both came into a public library to buy some Islamic books where William and Henry both were searching for Dark Romance books. Four best friends were on two sides in the library.
William and Henry both also support Jungkook's decision of accepting Islam. Because they believe everyone has their own beliefs and everyone should respect other's belief.

"From when Mr Zauj started to read Islamic histories?" Tajwar looked at Jungkook and said "Mr Jeon can you stop mocking me with this name?" Jungkook giggled looking at Tajwar's annoyed face. "Okay okay, Are you done?"
Tajwar didn't say anything but nodded and took all the book he wanted. They all came out of the library and came into their favourite restaurant. Jungkook and Tajwar ordered Halal food and of course William and Henry also joined them in their Halal food.

"Damn! It's more delicious than our normal food" Jungkook chuckled and said "Halal always tastes better!" William and Henry only smiled and said nothing. Henry moved his attention to Tajwar and asked "Why are you so silent Taj?" Tajwar looked at him from his plate and said "You know I don't like talking while eating" William hitted his arms slightly and said "You have changed in these two months Taj! You are talking less even with us" Henry said while making a sad face. Jungkook said "Henry are you thinking you are still at your fifteen? Be mature man, don't pout like this!" Henry rolled his eyes and said "Huh! You can't even tolerate my cuteness!" Tajwar and William both were enjoying their arguments while eating silently "William we should order something more right. Show is just began and food is also about to finish" Jungkook and Henry looked at their plate and saw Tajwar and William was about to grab their plates then they grab it.

After finishing their lunch Waiter came to them with bill. Tajwar toom the bill receipt from the waiter and paid the bill with his card which Rasel gave him for his need.
After coming out of the restaurant Tajwar bring them into a Sweet store. Others became shocked observing his behaviour of nowadays. Tajwar went to the seller boy and asked "Excuse me!"
The boy looked at him asked "Yes sir? Ho can I help you?" Tajwar roamed his eyes around and said "Can I have the sweet name Gulab Jamun?" Jungkook, William and Henry all were just observing him trying to guess what he wanted to do. "This way sir" The boy said and Tajwar followed him. They never saw him in any sweet store even by mistake because from his childhood he doesn't like sweets. But now? The seller boy gave him Gulab Jamun and he buy whole carton of it. Then he went to the fridge and took the ingredients of making Boba Tea. Others also took soft drinks for them. They all came out of the store and sat in the car.

"Taj? You are trying sweets? Are you okay bro?" Tajwar looked at them with a neutral face and opened the box of Mochi. "All say Aaa" They all opened their mouth and Tajwar made them eat Mochi but first one went into his mouth. Everyone was eating mochi silently then Tajwar asked "How is my Sidra's sweet choice?" They all gulped down harshly and asked "You are trying sweets for Mahmuda!?" Tajwar put his palm on his ear "Aish! Why are you guys shouting?" Tajwar looked at him with full eyes then said "Get a habit of eating Gulab Jamun. Because after our marriage you all are going to get welcomed with it!" Tajwar said while mixing the coffee liquid and milkshake. After finishing mixing it he took a sip "Umm! I have to say my wifey has a good teste in everything!" William snatched the Boba tea from him and said after taking a sip of it "Except you! She only choose the wrong life partner, otherwise everything is good" Henry snatched the tea from William and took a sip "Really. Sister in law has good taste" Jungkook was just giggling at their statements and watching their snatching snatching game. Tajwar took the bottle from Henry and give it to Jungkook. Jungkook took a sip of it amd said "It's not that much sweet. Both are in the limit of sweet level" Tajwar winked at him and said "I know right? She knows that her Zauj can't eat or drink sweets that much!"

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