∗∗✦Chapter seven✦∗∗

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"If I give her the whole world still it will be less In front of her love for me!" All of them Aweed and Jubaida blushed.


In the middle of the night Mahmuda woke up to offer Tahajjud. She took her Wudu and came out from her washroom. Mahmuda turned off her room's light after spreading the prayer mat on the floor beside her bed.
In the whole day she was normal, but at night when she became alone in her room negative thoughts was coming in her mind. After a long time she was able to sleep but after two hour of sleeping she woke up and decided to offer Tahajjud as it was middle of the night.
Mahmuda was reciting Surah while her eyes were shedding tears continuously and whimper was coming out from her moutn after sometime. She bend down to Sujood and recited Sujood Tasbeeh. She couldn't hold herself back and cried heart out in Sujood "Allah I am not that much strong! Please have mercy on me Allah!" Mahmuda was continuously sniffing while trying to control her tears. She offered four Rakat Salah and raised her hands. Not any single word was coming out from her eyes while her heart was shouting while saying "Allah you know everything! Please make everything easy for me! I want your satisfaction! Build feelings in his heart for me! Make him realise my love Allah! Make him understand my feelings!"
Mahmuda went in Sujood again but she was not praying Salah. "Why Allah!? Why? He hates me! Is it what calles love or am I getting punishment for displeasing you!? Allah fill my hands with my Zauj please! I beg my Zauj from you! I beg my Zauj from you Allah! To whom will I go without you Ya Wahhab! You are the only one who has the ability to give me my Zauj! Please fill my empty hands with my Zauj Allah!" She was saying this while shouting not knowing her Abbu was listening every single word of her.

Afjal was shedding tears after listening her painful words. He can't even imagine how much his daughter is going through! Afjal offers Tahajjud every night as it's his habit. He came to wake up Mahmuda for Tahajjud but before he could open the door of her he listened to Mahmuda shouting while crying.

She became silent for some time because of tiredness after crying for a long time.
Her eyes were giving up and burning because of her attempt to hold back her tears. Her body was tired but her eyes still wants to shed tears. Afjal stepped into her room to see her condition as a fear also hugged him thinking of her previous heart attack.

He listened to Mahmuda's hiccups and her murmuring. "Why do you hate me Zauj? You never loved me? Don't you have feelings for me? At least one drop of water amount!?"
She rested her whole strength on the floor. Afjal sat on knees and rested his hand on her shoulder.
"Jannah!" His calm and soft voice made her got up from Sujood. Afjal looked at her face carefully and noticed her face became pale and swollen because of crying for long time. "Be strong Jannah! Why are you forgetting your Allah, Abbu and family are supporting you?" Afjal hugged her noticing she was just looking at him like a robot. Mahmuda came little closer to him and hug his neck while hiding her face into his chest. "He... Ha...tes me Abbu!" Mahmuda hiccuped between her sentence. Afjal patted her head and aparted from him. He cupped her face and said "You told me that you love him knowing that you won't get him right?" Mahmuda nodded then he again said "You love him and that's enough for you! It's not necessary to loved back by your beloved one. Don't make your love your weakness! Make it your strength and pride! Which will be able to give you strength to fight against this cruel world Jannah!" Mahmuda was listening to him carefully then she said "You mean I will never get him?" Afjal shoom his head "Don't you trust your Rab Jannah?" Mahmuda nodded and said "I do!" Afjal smiled forcefully and said "Then rely on him fully. Don't let your mind to creat any doubt of his power even it's a single drop of water amount! Understand?" Mahmuda nodded and said "I trust on Allah Abbu. I will try my best to be strong" Afjal kissed his side head and said "Cry more and more in front of Allah! But don't let anyone see your weak side Jannah! Everyone is cruel they are just looking for chance to break you!" Mahmuda nodded in his chest but said nothing.
Both father and daughter hugged each other for a long time then they listened Fajr Azaan.
"Let's pray together come!" Afjal said to Mahmuda after parting from her. She nodded and said "Lemme take my Wudu again" Afjal nodded and Mahmuda went to washroom. After some time they both came to prayer room and offered their Salah. Both raised their hands together and started to make Dua. Afjal listened Mahmuda's sniffing sound. His heart was sinking down seeing her in this state. "Which type of trial is this Allah? Why is always my precious daughter? I'm feeling like I am getting the punishment of my sins of my past. Don't make my Jannah suffer because of my fault please Ya Rab! Don't make my daughters suffer please! I'm ready to repent but don't make my daughters suffer! Please!"
He caressed his palm on his face after saying Ameen. He looked at Mahmuda who was looking at the prayer mat.

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