∗∗✦Chapter six✦∗∗

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"Maybe Allah made her the source of your Hidayah!"


Ulfat was getting ready in her room for her school. Her school has a dress code but she wears hijab after getting permission from her principal. She went to the living room after getting ready. Mahmuda and Amal both also came out from her room after getting ready for their institutions.
One week passed after that incident and Mahmuda is doing well now. Everyone is at peace watching her normal like before but deep down she is missing her Zauj every single time. Afjal is supporting her every time whenever she gets sad over that thinking. Mahmuda feels herself the luckiest child in this world who is getting support from her Abbu in every single thing.

They all sat at the dining table for breakfast but as always Afjal was feeding his three daughters one after one. After finishing breakfast Afjal dropped Mahmuda Ulfat and Amal to their institutions and went to his office after dropping them.

Jubaida was doing work with the maid at home while thinking about Mahmuda. Afjal told her to never ask about that boy from Mahmuda but her curiosity is increasing day by day. She is thinking Mahmuda is only attracted to him because of the side effects of her teenage years. But next though makes her think that Mahmuda really loves him or else no one will get a heart attack over such an attraction. She was thinking this while cutting vegetables suddenly she cut on her finger mistakenly "Ahh!" Zuma (The maid) came to her and saw she cut on her finger "Noona, you sit I'm doing" Zuma made her sit on a chair and put ointment on her wound.


Mahmuda was sitting in her class with Ayesha. It was their free lecture that's why they all were spending their own time. Ayesha got up from her seat and Mahmuda looked at her with a questionable look "Let's go for a walk, I'm feeling bored sitting here" Ayesha forwarded her hand for Mahmuda. Mahmuda smiled and put her palm over Ayesha's.
They both were walking in the corridor of the college then two girls came and pulled Mahmuda's hijab from behind. She stopped on her path and looked behind with angry eyes but both of the girls ignored her. Mahmuda took a step near them and asked "Why did you do that?" One of them chuckled and said "Because I wanted to!" They both laughed but felt slap on their cheeks in a second. Both girls looked at her with angry faces and said loudly "Why the fu*k you did that!?" Mahmuda rolled her eyes and said "Because I wanted to!" Ayesha was smiling under her veil because she knows Mahmuda is not satisfied with only two slaps. Both girls came near Mahmuda and were about to slap her but Mahmuda punched on one's face and another's tummy! They both fell on the floor while holding their hurting places. Mahmuda pressed their cheeks harshly and said "Don't try either okay? I'm not that type of girl who will cry after getting harassed by someone!"
Mahmuda left both of them and they were taking deep breaths. Both went from there while running.
Ayesha came to Mahmuda and again forwarded her hand to Mahmuda. Mahmuda got up while holding her hand.

Ulfat's POV

I was playing badminton in our playground then I saw Amal come to me while crying as we are both in the same school. I went to her and she hugged me "What happened kiddo?" Amal hugged me tightly and said while crying "They... They bullied me!" I clenched my jaw because I know who that motherfu*ker is! I caressed her head and apart from her and called Habiba. Habiba came to me and I said "Take care of her until I come" Habiba nodded and I kissed Amal's forehead "Don't worry okay? Unnie is coming after some time" Amal nodded and Habiba took her to our class.

Author's POV

Ulfat went to the exact place where she could find who bullied Amal. She came to them and punched on Fahim's face. Fahim stumbled on his feet for the sudden attack of her. He balanced himself and felt something cold rolling down from his nose. He touched his nose and saw blood in his hand. Then he slapped Ulfat harshly and said "How the fu*k dare you punched me!?" Ulfat looked at him with her red eyes, her whole face was red because of the huge anger. She slapped him and held his throat harshly which caused shortened of his breath. His friends came to them and tried to separate Ulfat from Fahim but they failed. Ulfat said with her hoarse voice "How the fu*k dare you bullied my sister!?" Fahim started to cough because of the lack of oxygen. Ulfat left him and got up. She kicked his balls and he groaned in pain. "Bloody asshole!" Ulfat spat on him and went from there with angry steps.

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